New Grower what's the longest you've waited for a seed to sprout a taproot? [wet paper towel]

Jun 16, 2016
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Currently Smoking
F*cking Combustion with Texada Timewarp
How long should I hold on hope that my little AK-47 will sprout? 10 hours in water, followed by the paper towel method. Today is day 5 and everything else I popped in with her has already taproot'd and planted.
How long should I hold on hope that my little AK-47 will sprout? 10 hours in water, followed by the paper towel method. Today is day 5 and everything else I popped in with her has already taproot'd and planted.

Though i have gapped out and let them go 1", i check every 12 hours and plant at 1/8"-1/4" tap. I use paper towel because it allows me to see viability, and its worked well for many, many seasons.(18 strains this season and 100% success)
How long should I hold on hope that my little AK-47 will sprout? 10 hours in water, followed by the paper towel method. Today is day 5 and everything else I popped in with her has already taproot'd and planted.

As if...i literally just got finished posting a pic of a texada timewarp.
I usually soak then untill I see a tail splitting out, then put them into a moist paper towel in a bag on the water heater for a day or 2 tops if that don't do it I call it a dud but let it try for several days more.....
i once waited 7 days and got no sprout then stuck the seed in soil and it finally came up 6 days later... 13 days to break surface ... turned out to be a true midget auto with a dry weight of 8 grams.
I potted my first seed straight into soil Tuesday afternoon by friday they had broken through, is there a pros and con thread on different methods, as a newbie it's always good hearing success stories and also failures

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I waited a week or more.. If I get no signs of a tap root, I throw it in soil and give it a few more days. I recently just gave up on a FB GG after 12 days. Lol.. I made extra sure it was a dud before I tossed it.
I found a seed I gave up on a week later sprouted out of the shell completely and retract my previous statement.....a week is my new answer but usually a few days does it.....

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