What’s the best pgr for high yields

Any natural pgrs
Hello i think Kelp has natural pgr in it
There is some evidence that suggests kelp does have PGR properties. This study suggests that some of the benefits include potential PGR activity which may make it a growth regulator
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There are loads of PGR's you can buy/order online, BUT and it's a big BUT... You must be able to weigh them very accurate (mg level) and have the know how which combination of PGR's to use... That's very advanced stuff and I would recommend you to first try to grow good weed and try to optimize your skillset.
CO² and PGR's should be the last things to expertise in. :thumbsup:
There are loads of PGR's you can buy/order online, BUT and it's a big BUT... You must be able to weigh them very accurate (mg level) and have the know how which combination of PGR's to use... That's very advanced stuff and I would recommend you to first try to grow good weed and try to optimize your skillset.
CO² and PGR's should be the last things to expertise in. :thumbsup:

Triacontanol and Ethepon are the most common but I'm in agreement with you. To the extent that c02 would be a better investment but either method is putting plants into overdrive.