Indoor What's going on with my Annapurna Super Auto? Poor bud formation?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MrHerbDaily
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My annapurna did great in vegetative stage. But it seems something isn't right in the late flowering stage. I am not sure what's stunting the buds development. It's been 90 days since it sprouted, soI have about 20 days to go (going for 110 days) and it just doesn't look like it will be ready for harvest. It's lacking calyxes. Some calyxes popped up in random places on the buds. Now it just seems like the buds development came to a halt. There are a lot of hairs on the buds that are still white. I'd say 50% are still white and immature looking. I don't know if it's normal or not for this strain to have 50% white hairs this late into flowering.

Here are some pics of the buds. The buds are hairy, but not much bud formation is happening. If you zoom in on the third picture you'll see I circled some of the calyxes. They just look so random and not tightly close to each other. I'm hoping they will fill up in the next 2 weeks.

My setup:
FFOF soil that was premixed with bat guano in a 5gal pot.
Used foxfarm grow big while in veg. Switched to tiger bloom and big bloom and feed every other watering. Also using hi-brix molasses in between feedings. I water/feed every 3-4 days. I pH my water to 6.5-6.8. The runoff is @ 6.5
Using 250w HPS hurtilux bulb and a few CFL's on the sides of the plant.
I have a big fan circulating air in the grow area. The temps usually stay @ 80/82 F with lights on, and around 72/73 with lights off. Is 82 a bit warm for this strain?

So is something definitely really wrong here? Or am I worrying for nothing? Will the buds fill up in the last 20 days?

Any help/suggestions is much appreciated.
Forgot to mention that I checked the trichs with a microscope and they are pretty much 95% cloudy. I want to go 50/50% cloudy/amber. Hoping the buds will fill up by that time.
Can you take a photo outside the grow room, or with the hps turned off, and a full shot of her. from the photos she looks to be very yellow & very hungry. but this could be caused by a number of things
Yea the top leaves are mostly yellow. But I thought that's normal for a plant late into flowering since I don't feed it nitrogen. I am thinking salt buildup. Should I go ahead and just start flushing and just use molasses throughout the rest of the grow?
just flushing them will remove any salts, but will more than likely remove the last of any goodness in your soil. the buds dont look anywhere near developed enough for the leaves to be yellow an dieing as they are (although i cant see alot from those photos), flush, and a light feed might be a good idea, unless your going to harvest at 110 days regardless of how finished she is.

what is your soil ph, and what ph has your watering and feeding been, when did you last feed, and how often did you feed. what did you feed?
I pH my nute solution to 6.5 - 6.8. The runoff comes out @ 6.5. I feed with flowering nutes every other watering. And in between flowering nute feedings, I use pH'ed water with light mix of molasses. I last fed it with tiger bloom and big bloom about 6 days ago, and then 4 days later watered it with molasses. I will wait another 3 days and give it a good flush.

I wont harvest at 110 days unless most of the trichomes turn amber. I want to harvest it at 50/50.

Does "stitch" frequent this forum? I would love to get his opinion.
So I flushed the soil today with 10 gal of pH'd water. Hopefully she will swell up some more. I mean I can see a bunch of calyxes popping up in random places, they are just not closely together.

Took some new pics as well...
Hi bro
This is one of the point that sometimes happen to the annapuerna strain, i mean that she can reflower again if u don't stop her...
if u really need to stop her just had some ripen in max quantity....

and then fklush for a week

Hi bro
This is one of the point that sometimes happen to the annapuerna strain, i mean that she can reflower again if u don't stop her...
if u really need to stop her just had some ripen in max quantity....

and then fklush for a week


I think what he is saying here is that your plant was a little under fed, and that can happen. But its kind of to late to pump it full of nutes at this point... Its a tuff call to make and explain, let alone when english is not your native language.

Not every plant/strain is calax city. I think you did a good job with time I would push the fert a little longer or heavier, because your results seem to indicate that.

They look just like some Early Pearl phenos I had... here is a look...
Thanks for the replies guys. So should I just let her go for another week or two with water and molasses? Or just flush her with pH'ed water for a week or two?