Outdoor what would you do with this?



hello all..hope your all doing great..

i just finished my last thread and couldnt resist starting another. I have recently been out hunting for a site for this years outside crop. after many hours searching i think i have found the place. its situated between 2 rivers with a very nice rich looking peat soil inbetween.
the reason i am prematurely posting this is because i want to make the site as self sufficent as i can by using the river if possible??

the river water ph is at 7.2, ec at 0.4, i tested soil ph it was roughly 6.8.. im not sure of the best way about this as iv never done nothing like this before, just wondering if any of you guys have?
i will be using 2 of my dutch passion auto mazar seeds which dptony kindly awarded for the "win seeds for a grow diary compo"
just got to say a big thanks to dutch passion!!! 115 euros worth of seeds for free, thaaannnkkkkyyyooooouuuuu:D

here is a few pics of location and a quick sketch of my situation, your ideas are more than welcome with what to do with this..



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Hey plur,maybe I'm wrong but if your planting out in the woods maybe it's better to dig holes and sink containers with your own soil in as there looks like a lot of trees there and if you go straight into soil I'd guess there's some major root systems from the trees that with compete for the feed you give the plants,in containers your plants would get all the feed.plus with your own soil you know it's a good ph and not got anything harmful in it that will affect the girls.it looks like a nice spot though mate,just make sure those rivers won't burst there banks and flood your area if there's a heavy rain too
thanks for your input red eye..

your definatly right about the roots, they are everywhere, containers are an option. would the trees make a big differnce to nutes then? i have planted photos nearby a few times and never had to feed them through the whole grow, but they got big..12ft monsters that couldnt hold themselves up..
the only problem i have is getting the soil there, this place is remote.. im planning on doing over 20 plants outside this year, which i am unable to supply soil mixes for so maybee ill just contain the mazars and give them all the soil and love i can.. my other plants i am breeding for the hash properties.

do you reckon the river water would be ok to use then? its naturally sprung 1/2 a mile away and passes through a cattle field.. surely its got to be better than tap water..
Yeah that is tricky mate having to get all that soil to the location.how about just taking containers and filling it with the soil from your spot,that's an option mate.but you have grown beasts nearby so going straight into the dirt should be ok :).also 7.2 is a little high on the ph but you can easily adjust that once your there, but yeah defo better than tap water :smokebuds:
nice spot! :thumbs:

looking forward to your grow mate!:smokebuds:
defo, thats what im gonna try.. containers with the soil from there. im sure i can get a bag perlite down there to..

im thinking of a passive wick system, would this be wise with ph a bit off and a low ec of 0.4 or could it be compensated with lime, nutes etc.. ??

saying all this.. it really depends on if we get any sun this summer :bow:

a slight resketch of my passive wick idea...water.jpg
I can't help you there mate I'm not familiar with that system but I'm sure someone will chime in..and iv got a good feeling for some long sunny dry spells this year mate :) looking forward to seeing how this develops plur
so i went to check on my outside patch yesterday, and im not very happy.. there is a massive shoe print right in the middle of where i was going to plant:cuss: i really dont know how or why somebody has been there, it takes a good 30 mins to walk from the edge of the wood/swamp, have to cross 3 rivers(on fallen trees) aswell as battling through hundreds of thorn bushes..

the weird thing is, no tracks in or out just 1 deep boot print right where i was gonna plant:confused: all i can think is somebody see me last time i went and they must have got inquisitive and tried their hardest not to leave tracks..

time for a slight rethink......:peace:
yup... if someone else goes in there... at all... not a good idea... one thing gettin to them... but coming out with harvest end of seson would e very scary...
What a shame... Good spots are always tough to find. Did you leave a visible track going there?

Looking forward to your diaries man!