OK, so I hear bleach is bad, because bla bla bla, and hydrogen peroxide is not good to use, because of the negatives such as killing good bacteria, and ??
Then I stumble on this...like it's the best thing since sliced bread. : http://www.simplyhydro.com/hydro.htm
Opinions please.
H2O2 is not the best thing since sliced bread, it the best thing BEFORE sliced bread, in fact since the very beginning of beginnings......your whole body is awash with H2O2 and produces it every second of every day......dosage is as usual the key factor depending on application.....
a few links
If you don't know someone with a commercial reason for buying 35% H2O2, i.e. someone with a business who are required to provide CVE, VAT or such numbers, you can not legally buy 35% H2O2 , it is prime ingredient in explosive devices, to the extend that it is thought a Russian Nuclear Submarine was sunk by Highly concentrated H2O2 (HTP) used a propellent in a torpedo accidentally leaked and set off an explosion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kursk_submarine_disaster
Anything less that 35% is rather expensive in usage compared to other bleaches, a bleach is a common word for chemical that will bleach.....
Bleach refers to a number of chemicals which remove colour, whiten or disinfect, often by oxidation. The bleaching process has been known for millennia, but the chemicals currently used for bleaching resulted from the work of several 18th century scientists.