Old Reviews What soil mix should I use and Nutes?

Sep 10, 2013
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I am a complete amateur when it comes to this and this will be my first grow! I ordered some blue cheese auto seeds and they should be getting here soon! My main question I guess are what soil mix should I use? I plan on making my own but not sure exactly what to use.

I read that 30% peat moss/30% coco, 30% pearlite, 30% vermiculite and 10% worm castings

Does that sound good at all? could i use soil instead of the peat moss/coco??

My other question is about nutes!
I was wondering if anyone has ever used the General Hydroponic Go Box Starter kit which includes:
(1) 16oz BioThrive Grow
(1) 16oz BioThrive Bloom
(1) 8oz CaMg+
(1) 8oz BioRoot
(1) 8oz BioWeed,
(1) 8oz BioBud
(1) 8oz BioMarine
(1) 8oz Diamond Black

should I get it? since I will only be growing 3-4 plants will it be enough
Welcome to the Family zlavigne43 :smokebuds:when you get a chance stop over to the intro section and say hi to the other members :stylez rasta smoke: ..i'm a hydro-grower so i cant help with dirt but i will see if i can find someone to answer your question
Hello, and welcome to the family. So your a fellow worm like my self, love the soil. I've got a great Blue cheese growing right now in soil. But I mix soils not make my own. There's a lot of great info on here for farmers who like to make there own. If you want to just mix hit me up and ill tell you what I use. Best of luck!
Thanks but I decided to go with the 30% peat, 20% vermiculite and 30% organic potting soil and 20% perlite!

I planted the seed in coco pellets and two have broken through, the only problem is that one of the seedling is seeming to have a problem, the 2 baby leaves are curling down and i dont know what to do! ill post some pictures of them tomorrow!