New Grower What nutrients should I go with?

Nov 23, 2016
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Hey how's it going everybody I'm new to growing autoflowers and I was needing help. What nutes do I go with? I'm using fox farms ocean forest for soil


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I've had good experiences with Advanced Nutrients - Sensi product line. Currently I am testing out Remo Nutrients and so far they also seem really nice. Check them out bro I bet you couldn't go wrong with either one of them.
There are many to choose from. Some are better that others. I use both the Fox Farms Trio of soluable nutes and Canna A & B. I have the Fox Farm liquid threesome as well. The first two weeks my plants get Canna Rhiz sprayed on them.
Decisions decisions I'll probably end up going with fox farms or something else that is a two part system instead
Decisions decisions I'll probably end up going with fox farms or something else that is a two part system instead

Some of AFN's best are currently growing with Remo Nutrients and are loving them. Just saying. Like AN, their nutes sets and keeps the pH in balance and their schedule seems to really work.

They are simple and cost effective. I would recommend it.
Some of AFN's best are currently growing with Remo Nutrients and are loving them. Just saying. Like AN, their nutes sets and keeps the pH in balance and their schedule seems to really work.

They are simple and cost effective. I would recommend it.
I'll definitely check em out right now I hope my
Local hydro store has it in stock
I use HydroOrganics Earth Juice for blooming food and love it. I'm actually in the process of moving to their line only. I am still using some Botanicare (Calmag and Hydroguard), but getting away from it because of its relationship with Monsanto.

HydroOrganics Earth Juice is very good, by far my favorite bloom food, and they have very decent prices.

I've used General Hydroponics, good products, but bought by Monsanto last year, like Botanicare. I've also used Advanced Nutrients. Their product is fine, but I find their prices ridiculous.

The plants look great for their age, you'll just need space to spread them out once they grow because their canopies will be touching each other when they get bigger.

Good luck and enjoy! [emoji106] [emoji2]

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