What happened to kind soil ? I used to use that.

Sep 19, 2016
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I don't know what happened to kind soil.

I was using that on all my grow since I started years ago, but I couldn't contact them the past one or two years.

I started using a hot soil I found on amazon.

I wish I could find another easy soil like kind.

My plants have been poor quality and a shame to waste what could have been a great plant, by not having proper nutrients in soil.

Can you help me choose a soil for my 5 gallon pots ?

I like to keep it simple and easy. But I need better grow results.
Why not just re-amend your current soil?
Mix it together, let it sit, boom
:yeahthat::yeahthat: I’ve acctually haven’t used new soil in a year. Still haveover half a bag of fresh soil. I mostly do no till in my pots and layer craftblend and buildaflower some bokashi too and my worms of course that live there
I was always told not to reuse soil for cannabis . I was told used soil is for vegetable garden.

My 5 gal. breathable pots are usually mostly roots when I dump them, but I do fill the soil bags back up with the soil they came in after my grows.

I have tried to remix and reuse , but I thought that was why some of my grows are low quality.

I use light warrior, coco loco, big roots, and hot soil. In different mixes.

Was kindsoil store still open ? I haven't figured out why they disappeared.

So how do I reuse my soil ? just dump out the roots and mix with something to freshen it ? How many times can it be reused ?
Soil should get better over time. Reusable forever. Basically you take your used soil and add some aeration, some compost and some nutrients, mix it good, and then give it a minute. Buildasoil and kiss organics both sell nutrient packs
I’m on my 3rd grow on the same soil. I even keep it outside until I re-amend. I didn’t add compost to the 1st or 2nd re-amend since it was a little heavy from the worm castings.
I added pinto-bean compost for the 4th re-amend that’s currently cooking.
We’ll see how it goes. :stir:
some of my previous pots (smart pots) prolly had the soil for a year. I changed to grassroots living soil pots and I’m on 3rd grow with them haven’t removed the soil from the pots just top dressed for new round and that’s about it. The worms help slot to aerate the soil