What features would you like to see on AFN?

In the forums can we have a vendors/sponsors section .. its a pain in the ass having to go searching through different threads ie genetics or grow lights to see who the different vendors are.
Just have one forum that replicates all of their stuff perhaps?
Im sure the vendors would like us to be able to have a quick look and go "wow blah blah sponsors, I'm gonna look at their shit" as opposed to "I need a new grow-thing I better go search and see if I can work out who actually supports afn..."
I'd sure like to see the 'AutoSave' feature back in the post window.
It was good to be able to walk away if necessary and not have to restart a posting because the "OOPs" page popped up or whatever. BTW. I seldom see that page anymore unless I've been idle for a while on the same page. Then it is a lite version and recoverable rather than the fatal version that killed the page.
i would like a review section where every one can post there honiest review ie cheap ph pens cheap ec pens top notch pens lights fans everything in one place not everywhere on the forum