A branch accidently snapped off my starRyder
Here's some pics..
It snapped there at the main stem, not completely off but it was barely hanging there.
Another break at the end of the same branch.
Here's the same spots a day after it snapped, its turning brown, is it dying off?
I've tied it to where the breaks are pretty much together so I'm just wondering is it gonna effect the whole plant or just that branch or what? Never had this problem so just curious how bad it its gonna effect it, it's 34 days old.
Thanks for any info guys
Here's some pics..
It snapped there at the main stem, not completely off but it was barely hanging there.
Another break at the end of the same branch.
Here's the same spots a day after it snapped, its turning brown, is it dying off?
I've tied it to where the breaks are pretty much together so I'm just wondering is it gonna effect the whole plant or just that branch or what? Never had this problem so just curious how bad it its gonna effect it, it's 34 days old.
Thanks for any info guys