GodAmJT brought me over here with me checking out some of his postings as i don't stray too far from the micro section on these forums, but ANTiFA your question made me think after reading some responses, so I'll throw in a different take than others, first my consumption rate fits my grow style with that being a micro grower, works for me but doesn't work for everyone and their own goals, but ill also say i haven't really weighed everything i grow other than for the occasional comparison purpose, as im currently on a genetic hunting adventure and don't have overall yield as a goal, even though i'm now in a state of oversupply and currently get a good 5-10 times what i would ever consume with my current genetic hunting adventure.
But my operating costs for me per oz i guess would break down like this
Electricity: $3.0-3.75
Mix and Nutes: $0.75-1.5 Rough Estimate
For a total of $3.75-5.25 an Oz
But that does not include the sunk costs which can vary for everyone and their involvement level.
Cases, led lights, heatsinks, controls, watering systems, fans, upgrades, remakes ect, im probably around the $400-500 range for my latest two cases, but i've done micro spaces in the past that yielded quite a bit more for easily around $150-200 sunk cost wise.
The other sunk cost in my opinion is seeds but again that depends on your involvement as well, cheapest seeds i've bought that were actually really good and i want to get more of were about $25 a 10 pack, i've also bought seeds many times in the $10-20 a seed range some were worthwhile, and some not so much.
So to flip it around a question for you is if you really want to grow your own, which i believe all of us on here will say you should, would be to start thinking about how much do you consume or would like to "have on hand", and you could probably easily do it on a budget with the current street prices you may be paying, as a grow doesn't have to be fancy, it could just be a light in a closet or cupboard that gets the job done for your needs, or say small ready to grow tent kits only needing a filter, a pot, mix, and a seed can be picked up for around $400-500 and a first time grower with a mild involvement of paying attention to what they are doing could easily pull 6-8oz easily if not more, so at your current prices of $250-320 an oz, kinda makes you scratch your head.
You're in the right place though, as this is a good forum if you want to go down that path.