What are the possibilities?


"Onward through the fog!" - Oat Willie
Feb 2, 2015
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I haven't seen this light green before.
Organic soil grow.
They seem fine otherwise.
17 days old.

I ran into this a lot when I ran Coast of Maine Stonington in pots, I have always felt it was a magnesium deficiency caused by out of range ph. Check soil ph, apply epsom salts or cal mag. Eventually those yellowed margins will go brown and the affected leaves don’t recover it’s a game of stopping the deficiency while it’s showing up on the lower older leaves. Honestly never fully worked the issue out just moved to giant beds of soil and that supply’s enough buffer for a stoner like me
It looks like Mg deficiency but tough to tell whether it is deficiency or a lockout. What kind of organic soil is that it seems like a lot of perlite for a organic?
Normally I would use Fox Farms Coco Loco. I couldn't get that soil in time so instead I'm using Happy Frog instead.

I've always had luck using screened previous soils in the lower half of the pots amended with bloom nutrients from tea lab. I mix it at least a month prior to planting.

I use plain water and every other watering I brew compost tea using Tea Labs bloom recipe.

Last grow this worked out very well but again I was using Coco Loco.

Oh, I also added perlite and EWC to the mix.
i had this also from using RO water and as soon as I used spring it went back to normal. I heard of people adding in some lime before hand to compensate. But I’d rather top dress and switch to spring water while watching soil ph
I've been advised to pH my water/feeding to 6.2-6.4.
I'm going to start.
My rainwater tests at 7.0.
I've been advised to pH my water/feeding to 6.2-6.4.
I'm going to start.
My rainwater tests at 7.0. View attachment 1645122
I know the soil is buffed to 6.3. Given the little bit of love you need to give coast of Maine before using for cal/mg I’m extremely impressed with how good it is. Also nice setup man! Only other thing with CoM one of my bags had gnats and my buddy and I got them. Last bag seemed a little on the wet side 🤦‍♂️. But nothing nematodes and a few sticky traps can’t handle