Well Water

Was wondering thoughts on using well water on plants? I also have access to pond water as well. Will be using a soil/peat/perlite mix. I will be starting my first grow in next few weeks and trying to have everything planned out to the last detail before I start germination when seeds arrive. I will have my ph water tester tomorrow and can check levels then. Well is spring fed with no water softener.
I tested it with an in home ph meter and ppm meter. Ph was 6.7 to 6.8. Ppm was 286. Local company tested it for hardness. Was not hard and well within drinking standards. Waiting on call from health department on who they use for a complete analysis. I may just start few seeds and see how first grow goes as well.
I tested it with an in home ph meter and ppm meter. Ph was 6.7 to 6.8. Ppm was 286. Local company tested it for hardness. Was not hard and well within drinking standards. Waiting on call from health department on who they use for a complete analysis. I may just start few seeds and see how first grow goes as well.
If you have plenty of seeds I would start them! Can't hurt anything
I tested it with an in home ph meter and ppm meter. Ph was 6.7 to 6.8. Ppm was 286. Local company tested it for hardness. Was not hard and well within drinking standards. Waiting on call from health department on who they use for a complete analysis. I may just start few seeds and see how first grow goes as well.
Hmmmm, 286 is actually considered extremely hard water. Here's a good reference piece for hardness:
GPG Means "Grains per gallon"
PPM means "Parts per million"
MG/L means "Milligrams per liter"
Note: PPM and MG/L are the same thing.
Treated (or softened water) = 0-1 GPG (total grains x 17.1 equals ppm) [17.1ppm]
Slightly hard = 1-2 GPG (total grains x 17.1 equals ppm) [34.2ppm]
Medium Hard = 3-7 GPG (total grains x 17.1 equals ppm) [51.3 - 120 ppm]
Hard = 7-10.5 GPG (total grains x 17.1 equals ppm) [120 - 180 ppm]
Extremely Hard Water = 10.5+ GPG (total grains x 17.1 equals ppm) [over 180ppm]

Drinking standards are not really affected by hardness until you get into the extremes (I forget, I think as high as 1,000 before you should be concerned). But the point is, the minerals in hard water are good for you. Purified water is actually worse for your system than hard water. It's only when contaminants add to the ppm's that you need to worry about a high ppm.
Your pH is actually very close to neutral - pure water has a neutral pH around 7.0. Anything less is acidic and anything more is considered basic.
To put your mind at ease, using your well water for your seeds will be BETTER than bottled RO purified water, and BETTER than processed city water. Which is not bad either as long as you give the chlorine time to evaporate.
My recommendation is to use the well water & not worry. Keep up with your ppm's and adjust for this when mixing nutes (subtract this water value from your ppm strength reading). View the calcium - magnesium deficiency symptoms I sent, get used to that & recognize it if it happens. A simple cal-mag supplement will fix the problem quickly IF IT OCCURS. Chances are, it wont, and you will be fine.