Indoor WELCOME toDA Swamp!!!!!

ya didi't you know keep up the pic's.........:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:...keep updates going with some pic's, what the hell....:no::cuss::cuss::no:.... did you see the rest of the thread....

Yeah goauto i saw rest of thread i was saying i cant wait to see pics of chop bro not meaning to upset anyone just cant wait to see more of swamps awesome grows mate. I should have put it in better words sorry if took wrong way.
cool cool cool..............
lets go BEAST MODE.

you will be having a frosty winter my friend.

enjoy the sweet fruits bro.

and definitely update us on chop photo as jayp stated.
Dude I dunno today she has went an inch she has a whole new top basically so maybe this is just some super juice ...the avalanche but she has seriously slexploded more ....the directions on the bottle state at the end to check height of lights can use small amounts whit feed but for the last weeks only sips a farh tea ...then I completely washed her clean and gave her the small feeding ....she went alot more so she has more added yummmy ...i almost want to feed her again and stretch her more now .....

I made a tea for my cream caramel mother of
5 ml ancient amber
5ml molasses
10 ml bio-cozyme
1/8 tsp Hawaiian bud for P/K

SO maybe I'll give her a taste too cause the new growth well is new growth and un covered ......its like the whole top exploded a foxtioed in 4 spots ....and she tailing out the sides alot new hairs and more weight !!!!
Now going back I see why maybe this is fully flower and I had a hickup from feeding ....she is 62 today and has to me looked like summn in full bloom from an outside garden in the future we gonna have some porn soon I gotta show this and her prune off !!!
i think im gonna beat the old lady with it for breakfast one morning ....very gently of course ....or maybe just tap it or on her forehead ....

silly me...i am getting to think i can store it in the 440z when im done with a lid and just let it cure like the cup air fresheners lol ......she is funkkkky fruittty .....lemon chelo anyone !!!

bravo good sir this is some lady hurrrr!!!

friggen LSU jeeeezs

very nice my friend, hope now u'll take some nice pics... and then enjoy it ;)
That cobra looks great bro .
Just dont hit the wife to hard that baby looks pretty dense and you might knock her out. Ha! Ha! Keep up the awesome work bro.:bow: