Yes please this times 10000%
I really don't want to nit pick, but I think the organization of some sections here on afn could be a little better. There are many sections where you can find information of the same topic. But in different sections altogether. It's obvious that the organics section is in it's infancy here and doesn't get enough love honestly. But it's not really organized properly. I would love a section for soil recipes only, like the new teas sub forum. Maybe just add "Recipes" to the "Living Organic Soils" to make it more obvious that it's for recipes? (and what exactly is Living Organic Soils? Is it not the same as Organics? Does it include "No Till" soils or is that different?)
I believe that organics deserve a lot more attention in the realm of growing cannabis and autoflowers specifically. How does growing organically differ between photos and autos? Maybe this question has been answered before, but it should be easier to find in the organics section. As should many other areas of interest relating to autos and organics specifically. So forgive me for my ignorance if it's there and I just overlooked it!
One other subject relating to the forums here: where does one start a journal? I want to grow mephistos, organically, under cob lights, and I am a new autoflower grower, etc see where I am going with this. Where do I start a journal? Shouldn't there be an area for grow journals only, or am I just not aware of it?
Sorry for the mini rant. I believe afn is a killer forum and really I probably just need a smoke......
yep all better :smoking: