yeah you have to kind of digest that information and figure out what you're looking for and put the two together. there aren't too many good guides on how to build the most straightforward highest bang for your buck light (or even what to look for for that kind of set up), but it's basically just the reverse of looking for the most efficient set up.
that said, as of right now at least, cobs make the most sense in high efficiency (therefore lower overall power) setups. anything under 50% efficiency and the arguments for picking cobs over an equivalent hps get real weak.

for me, i'm looking at building my first light (and starting my first indoor grow, or serious grow altogether) soon. looking to grow one plant in a smaller space (probably a dr60 or something). so i'm not replacing anything. way i figure it, 150w@~56% efficiency (3 3590s@1400mah) will give me a hair less in lumens than a 250w dual spectrum hps (27k vs 28k) while costing a bit more, but will give me a better spread, easier thermal management, longer life, etc. this math only really works if i run the cobs efficiently; the more power you try to squeeze out of each individual cob the less it makes sense over mh/hps.
That is the beauty of this thread and forum! People helping others and then someone just builds it. See how it works and share with others. Ill be getting the cobs, then try to find a good price on the driver. Cant build it without the parts.
I think the people upgrading older lights have the right idea, and you can't buy a new light for the price of that upgrade! I hate my Apollo "900" watt, WAY too blue. Going to do the cob upgrade on that one in the future!
All my 300's are now upgraded going to run two of them in my tent with the 4 we are getting and I will have 8 3590's running 4 36 volt and 4 72 volt man that tent is going To rock.. Then I have one spare Mars 300 with 2 72 volt 3590's that I can run one or two plants in my 2x4.. Should be fun...
finally caught up, and subbed my spot... so many thoughts, questions, and ideas running through my head....from scratch models, and mars 300 upgrades... I have four of the old mars 300's 2 of the 180 watt, and 2 of the 125 watt... I run two 125 watt ones in a 4x4 veg/auto cab... and the other two I use in one of my flowering tents... but up grading to hps(for now)... I wanna try to cover a 4x4 veg cab with all 4 panels, but I wanna keep it under 300 watts... mainly veg, but a couple auto's may stick around... was looking at the citizen chips... I don't care for the most fanciest, expensive cobs on the market... I'm not commercial at all... I just wanna illuminate a big space with minimum watts... not trying to grow monsters... well maybe baby monsters... tomorrow I'm gonna do more research... right now its time for my trazodone... night night..
I wish I had 4 tents to grow 4 clones of the same strain because my 3 converted mars are all a little different and that way I can test each setup against the stock mars 300 but thats a ton of work and documentation for my own satisfaction lmao. One is setup the way I originally wanted all of them to be having 5 CXA2530 4 3000k and 1 5000k. But the drivers were different in 2 of them only 80v and it wasnt enough to power them all it had a slight flicker. So 1 has 2 3000k and 2 5000k and the other has 4 3000k and I have 2 3000k leftover since the drivers couldnt push 5 total. I have the 2 multi spectrum in the tent now for veg with the full 3000k light setting in the closet waiting for flower. I do believe 3 lights with a total of 13 COBs will work great in my 3x4 tent and the deciding factor will be when the 3 photos get flipped to flower just waiting on some clones to fully take then its 12/12 time to see how these babies will do in flower. I also have all 3 strains outdoors so I will be able to have somewhat of a comparison on nug size and density as well as smell and flavor.
Get a couple heatsinks and make single cob lights from the leftovers. Use the to fill in where needed!

I love seeing repurposed lights! Post some pics, we all want to see your work! THIS is what the DIY thread is about, creative thinking! I wish I could afford to experiment like some guys do, I've got some ideas...

I wish I had 4 tents to grow 4 clones of the same strain because my 3 converted mars are all a little different and that way I can test each setup against the stock mars 300 but thats a ton of work and documentation for my own satisfaction lmao. One is setup the way I originally wanted all of them to be having 5 CXA2530 4 3000k and 1 5000k. But the drivers were different in 2 of them only 80v and it wasnt enough to power them all it had a slight flicker. So 1 has 2 3000k and 2 5000k and the other has 4 3000k and I have 2 3000k leftover since the drivers couldnt push 5 total. I have the 2 multi spectrum in the tent now for veg with the full 3000k light setting in the closet waiting for flower. I do believe 3 lights with a total of 13 COBs will work great in my 3x4 tent and the deciding factor will be when the 3 photos get flipped to flower just waiting on some clones to fully take then its 12/12 time to see how these babies will do in flower. I also have all 3 strains outdoors so I will be able to have somewhat of a comparison on nug size and density as well as smell and flavor.
I've been waiting for someone to do this! Look forward to your post!

I just ordered a thermaltake liquid cooling kit for a computer that I'm going to mod to cool my 4 3590's so far my build is going to be 302$ which isn't bad considering I've spent a lot more for lights that I don't think will be as good as this will post pics when it's fully assembled