Simple transplant
Plants up to germ pot...
Get your transplant pot...put a layer of compost in the bottom..
enough to bring the plants to be transplanted up to about an inch off the rim of the new pot.
Test the height by placing the whole old pot inside the new make sure you have the right level.
Put your fingers..gently..through the plants to be transplanted..just to keep them in place..
and hold the surface of the soil.
Tip the pot upside down into your hand...slide the old pot off..
(if it doesn't come out easily..tap it a few times on the ground to loosen...and try again..)
Put your other hand on top of the root ball to secure it..turn..and place into the centre the new pot...
hold the leaves out of the way..then fill the Gap with new compost..firm..but don't over do it..
you want your roots to be able to move out into the new compo.
As you fill it..gently..encourage the plants to lean slightly out from their old positions...
so you create space in the centre of the pot for maximum light penetration.
Firm into place with your fingers..
Puddle your plants in..
this means..cover the entire surface of the new pot with water...flood it.
As the water drains down it will eliminate any air pockets.
Leave to drain...
Top up the compo if necessary.
IF possible..leave in a cool stress free enviroment for 12-24 hours.
No direct direct sunshine.
This will help them recover faster.
Less than 24 hours later..and they have re-oriented themselves