Photoperiod Weird pattern on leaves

Mr Green Fingers

DWC Gardener
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Purple Punch x Dosidos & Animal Cookies
Hey guys, so I have 2 plants growing from seed, both are Super Lemon Haze, 1 is perfectly healthy but the other one has been a mutant from day 1, with 3 finger leaves, twisted up leaves etc, I have stuck with her and she seems to be growing out of the twisted and 3 fingered leaves and she looks a lot more normal apart from this pattern which has been on the leaves from the start so is there an issue or should I ignore it?

Problem: weird pattern on leaves

Medium/grow method: DWC

Feed: and supplements used: Currently being fed 2ml/l Canna Rhizotonic, 2ml/l Canna cannazym, 2.5ml/l Canna boost, 2.5ml/l Shogun hydrogrow A&B & 1ml/l Shogun Calmag

water source: Tap water left to sit for 24 hours with an EC of 0.4

Strain/age: Super Lemon Haze by Greenhouse Seeds

light used: 265w Quantum board using Samsung Lm301b diodes, sitting at 26 inches above canopy of bigger girl so roughly 29 inches above this mutant

Climate: Temps 75/67, RH 55

Additional info: Took ages for this girl to start, she only had her 2nd set of true leaves after 3 weeks, she is almost 6 weeks old from seed.

This is the pattern on EVERY leaf
Full plant

Healthy sister
It's not too bad yet. First guess is needing calcium. What's the reservoir pH? P is locked out below 5.5 and over 6, C is locked under 6.2 to 6. pH unless it is chelated.

Check that before adding CalMag, and after.

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calcium can also be deficient from COB light. Not sure how that works, but it's a thing.
It's not too bad yet. First guess is needing calcium. What's the reservoir pH? P is locked out below 5.5 and C over 6.2 pH

Check that before adding CalMag, and after.

View attachment 974726
Hey Rev, thanks for taking a look, PH is 5.9 and has been stable the whole grow so far, it has been fed Calmag since week 2, every leaf from birth has had this pattern, it doesn't get any better or any worse, all new growth has this same pattern also.
I calibrate my PH meter every 2 weeks so think the readings are correct and had no issues with other girl
It being persistent does seem to point towards it being light related. I've had trouble with similar issues trying to get used to using COBs. I hate using calmag, but to me that looks like the plant needs calcium for whatever reason. The natural light pic looks like the she could use more nutes altogether. If it was just older leaves I would advise using micro nutes, but all over, not so much.
It being persistent does seem to point towards it being light related. I've had trouble with similar issues trying to get used to using COBs. I hate using calmag, but to me that looks like the plant needs calcium for whatever reason. The natural light pic looks like the she could use more nutes altogether. If it was just older leaves I would advise using micro nutes, but all over, not so much.
Thanks Rev, looking at that chart I think I will try bumping up the PH to 6.2 for better Calcium absorbtion and see what that does, I have tried upping the feed but she doesn't like it and the EC stats rising plus those pics are taken under my light which us a warm white so does make the leaves look a little lighter, I will turn off the lights and try and get a better pic
.....that pattern may be a genetic thing, it doesn't look like Ca defc. per se,... no dead tissue spot for one thing, and it's super uncommon for every leaf to show symptoms,... that said, follow the Rev's advise here just the same,.... :smoking:
.....that pattern may be a genetic thing, it doesn't look like Ca defc. per se,... no dead tissue spot for one thing, and it's super uncommon for every leaf to show symptoms,... that said, follow the Rev's advise here just the same,.... :smoking:
Thanks mate! Yeah I think it probably is genetic as she's been a strange one from day 1, will up ph and see what the new growth is like :greenthumb: