My sour stomper, day 18, no nutes, OF, .8 gal humidity 50-60% temp 72, just letting it grow natural and saw this, is it mold? Is it some kind of deficiency? Should I cull the plant if so? Thanks for all the help, it is my second grow.
thanks for your time! I am about to go check it out, if it is insects in my tent, and my other plants haven’t been affected, should I remove and toss this one?
If you look closely at the pics you posted you can see the chew/jaw marks of whatever is eating through the leaves. Im not sure what insect it is.. But I think those white dots are eggs.. Zoom in on the pics you posted.. (I'll post a pic of what I see as well).. You can see something on the under leaf of the very top leaf. As well as something forming on the stem to the right.. I cant say it's not already on other parts of the plants or other plants. I rarely recommend or suggest killing off a plant but if these bugs can fly or be moved around by a breeze from a fan, then that may be the only way to protect the other plants. I would start and IPM program of some sort. There are many to choose from, but I'd start spraying any other plants asap.
This is the photo before I zoomed in on my phone...
I zoomed in on the two circled areas...
Stem to the right..
Leaf above the damaged leaf
There shouldn't be anything on the underneath of your leaves
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