Weird autopot issues? - Problem: Leaves look droopy

Oh yes Lock out for sure. Your feeding 825 PPM (check your meter) plus your starting water based an calculations for 2.5+2.5 A+B. That is too much for a wick-up system. You have a salt build up. Top Flush with 1 Part A to 1.5 Parts B per gallon PH to 6.2. to 200% run-off.
What is your starting water source and PPM?
Are you using any mycorrhizae and Bio-stimulants - Kelp, Humic Acid B-vitamins etc? You should be. Include it in the flush

Do a foliar of Earth juice Microblast.


Kelp (2 parts), Fulvic Acid (5 parts), B-Vitamin (pinch) and a pinch of Yucca powder.

ONLY foliar once.
I flushed them with 20 gallons of RO water + .8 EC of nutes - pretty vigorously.

The roots look great, shiney white.
With RO water that will be a little low on calcium but don't ad more until next feed. Never add Cal-mag by itself. The foliar will make up what you need.
When using RO water the PH will drop due to absorbsion of Co² from the air It may start as high as 8 when fresh and be below 5.4 over night. So if you use it fresh to make your nutes up it could be too low in the coco the next day. You need a soil probe to keep track of what is happening in the root zone.
that may reset them but you still need to have checked your run off to see if it was a lockout did you check also i get lockouts on 1 plant generally every run or so and the top feed always gets me back on track as long as I'm feeding to run off and then after a week i put them back on the res

Just curious as to how it could be lockout with not feeding them much nutes? I thought lockout was more common with lots of nutes
Oh yes Lock out for sure. Your feeding 825 PPM (check your meter) plus your starting water based an calculations for 2.5+2.5 A+B. That is too much for a wick-up system. You have a salt build up. Top Flush with 1 Part A to 1.5 Parts B per gallon PH to 6.2. to 200% run-off.
What is your starting water source and PPM?
Are you using any mycorrhizae and Bio-stimulants - Kelp, Humic Acid B-vitamins etc? You should be. Include it in the flush

Do a foliar of Earth juice Microblast.


Kelp (2 parts), Fulvic Acid (5 parts), B-Vitamin (pinch) and a pinch of Yucca powder.

ONLY foliar once.

Why the high PH for coco? I thought 6.2 was for soil...

Also I can't add organics to my autopots, they specifically note that it will clog up the tubes.
Just curious as to how it could be lockout with not feeding them much nutes? I thought lockout was more common with lots of nutes
you can just get build up and it may lockout a certain thing also before you put your plants on the res did you always feed to run off also coco is like a sponge it holds onto a lot of the nutes .also at least you should now get them back on track
When using RO water the PH will drop due to absorbsion of Co² from the air It may start as high as 8 when fresh and be below 5.4 over night. So if you use it fresh to make your nutes up it could be too low in the coco the next day. You need a soil probe to keep track of what is happening in the root zone.
This is interesting, wouldn't a drop like that be noticeable in the REZ tank? My PH stays stable for days,
you can just get build up and it may lockout a certain thing also before you put your plants on the res did you always feed to run off also coco is like a sponge it holds onto a lot of the nutes .also at least you should now get them back on track
Yes, I always fed till run-off, but ah that makes sense, how do I avoid these buildups? Or is that normal for this?
Why the high PH for coco? I thought 6.2 was for soil...

Also I can't add organics to my autopots, they specifically note that it will clog up the tubes.
you want between 5.8 and 6.2 for coco also you can buy a line cleaner i use ataclean also regarding the autopots lots of strains act differently as only 1 out of 3 in mine went a little off and all from getting fed on the res and at least I'm back in control now