sorry about rubbish camera phone pics,
Samsquanch og front left, cosmic queen front right, mango smile back left Ripleys og back right, all week 8 apart from mango smile that’s a week behind, had a no show with the first seed so I’m glad Mephisto send out two seeds when you buy 1!
Grown in plant magic soil in twenty litre pots (about 5 gallon I think), with 2 bio tabs per pot and then fed with bio bloom and a bit of fish mix here and there from week 5. In a 4x4 tent under a 600w hps, no training just left to do there thing.
My last grow I used tap water and ran into all sorts of problems with deficiency’s, no matter what I did ( increase the feed or flush them)the plants got worse and worse, so this grow I’ve bought bottled water from Tesco which has a ph of 6.2 and they look so much happier. I must have crappy tap water and despite what people say I think ph does matter in soil.
Here’s a pick of the plants at 2-3 weeks
Thanks, every one stay safe
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