Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

Y-ello! It's update time..

Sooo.. the Gorilla Glue met her maker on Sunday night.. I didn't get any pics cos it looks like shit. She's probably gonna yield around the 2 Oz mark which for a plant of her size it pretty woeful. Woe is sheee who got stuffed into brown paper bags and hung out to dry in a tent full of fungus.. [emoji33]


^ White Cheese in soil..She's doing ok, the def's staying at bay after a good dose of cal mag and PK booster. A lot of brown pistils on her but she's still chucking out new white ones and she's drinking well so I'll crack on with the nutes. Tonight she had

1ml/L cal & 1ml/L mag

1.5ml/L A&B

1.5ml/L Canna boost,

pH 6.5.

She might fry a little on that so I'll probably just water tomorrow.


^ Glueberry No.1 in coco. She's tall and lanky.. or shall we say sat-Dom? [emoji38]

I think I under fed and watered her early on so lesson learned, here's the new improved one..

I've chucked a lot more water & feed at this one.. she's liking it too..

Both are on

1ml/L silicon

1.5ml/L cal and mag

1.5ml/L A&B grow

1ml/L take root and a dash of multi total today.

pH 5.8

Here's the team pics..
I'm happy. [emoji1360]

Another pip went into soak yesterday, Dinafem White Widow, she's over a year old tho... we'll see what happens.

I bid yew good day.. [emoji1365]
@Wile e Peyote

The stretch seems to have stopped on the GB OG. Is that bloom nutes time in coco town? There's not a lot of flowering going on yet but it's starting.. [emoji848]
Yes mate as soon as the stretch is done I give mine the same strength as my grow nutes seems to work [emoji106]

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Ok, just had a chat with Keggs.. this years outdoor grow will be...

3x Dinafem Big Kush and....

3x Sweet Seeds Black Jack F1 Fast version photoperiods.

That should keep us busy for a bit. [emoji1360]

I'll try and do a dungeon update in a bit, if the daughter's boyfriend feckz off.. it's looking good down there. [emoji5]