Live Stoner Chat Weed/hash smoking vs dreaming

I have read summaries of research showing that cannabis suppresses REM sleep, which is the phase in which you dream. I don't have links to the information, but google would dig it up in short order if anyone is interested.

When you get off the weed, the rebound is what causes the vivid dreams for a while. Been there, very entertaining at times. :biggrin:
about time for this to be talked about. smoking since 1963 and all dreams suppressed. total lack of dreams. BUT go without for a few days, dreams become vivid and strange. but in a good way. they become Lucid dreams and i am aware that i am dreaming, and can make adjustments to the dream. this is fun. :doc1:
That’s the ultimate VR experience :crying::crying::headbang:
After some research...
“Patients who use medicate with cannabis before bedtime, whether they are using it as a sleep aid or for another purpose, often find they cannot remember whether they dreamed at all, or may have difficulty recalling what they dreamed about. A basic lesson on how and when we dream, combined with how cannabis affects the sleep cycle, may help explain why this happens. Sleep involves several different processes and usually follows a predictable cycle.

  • Stage 1 – the brain produces alpha and theta waves, eye movement slows down, and there may be occasional muscle twitches. Stage 1 is referred to as light sleep. It’s easy to wake someone in this stage because they are still somewhat alert. This is a relatively short period, lasting up to about 7 minutes, and is what some people refer to as a “cat nap.”
  • Stage 2 – brain waves produce spindles, or sudden increases in frequency, followed by a slowing of brain activity. It is still a relatively light level of sleep, and is sometimes called a “power nap.”
  • Stages 3 & 4 – this is the beginning of deep sleep. The brain begins producing slower delta waves. Eye movement and muscle activity stops. People are harder to wake during this stage because they are less responsive to sound and touch. As this stage continues, sleep becomes deeper and more restorative. The body can repair and heal itself during this time, boost immune function, stimulate growth and development, and build up energy for the following day.
  • REM stage – Usually beginning around 90 minutes after falling asleep and lasting about an hour, this is where most dreams occur. Most adults go through 5-6 complete cycles each night. Brain activity increases, eyes move rapidly back and forth (REM – Rapid Eye Movement), the heart beats faster, blood pressure increases, and breathing becomes more rapid and shallow. During this time, the brain carries out the important tasks of enhancing memory and learning functions by processing and storing experiences. (3) Around 80% of dreams happen in the REM stage of sleep. REM dreams are often memorable and vivid in addition to being the ones remembered in more detail when compared to dreams experienced during non-REM sleep, which tend to be more about everyday happenings. (4)

THC helps patients fall asleep more quickly; this is especially relevant for those with PTSD, insomnia, pain, multiple sclerosis, or other autoimmune/nerve-destroying conditions since it helps alleviate the symptoms that make relaxing difficult. It also decreases the amount of time spent in REM sleep; as a consequence, dreams occur less frequently and are not as vivid. This decrease in or lack of graphic or realistic dreams is particularly helpful for patients suffering from PTSD because it helps prevent the retrieval of traumatic memories and the nightmares that follow. In addition, THC may stimulate the release of neurotransmitters that elevate mood and assist in promoting emotional well-being. It can help prevent feelings of anxiety and fear by helping maintain consistent levels of endocannabinoids such as anandamides. Additionally, a 2002 study showed THC helps regulate the activity of serotonin, helping maintain regular breathing in patients with sleep apnea. (5,6)

Patients who use medical cannabis to help them sleep on a regular basis for a long period of time and then need to take a tolerance break or stop using their product for another reason may experience a phenomenon known as REM rebound. When this happens, dreams may become more frequent, vivid, and perhaps even strange as the body compensates for the decrease in REM sleep that happens while using cannabis. Fortunately, other than the increase in dreams, a decrease in REM-cycle sleep has not proven to have a negative effect on the body. (7)

Certain terpenes help manage insomnia due to their sedative effects. These include but are not limited to the following:

    • Terpinolene, also found in lilacs and apples, is one of the least-common “common” terpenes. Normally present in small amounts, it is more likely to be found in THC-dominant strains and exerts a sedative effect. Strains with a higher concentration of terpinolene include Jack Herer, Orange Cookies, and Dutch Treat. (8)
    • Myrcene is common in mangoes, lemongrass and basil. It has sedative, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties. Some strains high in myrcene are White Widow, Jack Herer, and Pure Kush. (9)

  • Caryophyllene is great for helping relieve stress as well as relieving pain and inflammation. It is also present in cloves, rosemary, and hops. This terpene is abundant in strains like Girl Scout Cookies, Sour Diesel, and Bubba Kush. (10)

The effects of medical cannabis on the sleep experience can be influenced by several factors including terpenes and cannabinoids present in the product as well as dose, time, and route used. It can take up to 90 minutes to feel the effects of an edible, but they can last up to 10 hours; this can help patients sleep longer without the need to re-dose. Someone who smokes or vapes cannabis can begin to feel its effects within 5 minutes, and it will begin to wear off within about 2 hours. (11) Tinctures start working within 15 minutes; the effects can be felt sooner if they are placed under the tongue instead of just swallowed. Effects can last anywhere from 2-6 hours.”