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Hello one out of many species in the universe. :goauto: Fastbuds First Cherry Cola harvest, :drool:sticky stinky girl! Fruit & fuel. a beautiful girl cut down in her prime. :eyebrows:
More harvests to come over the next two weeks! thanks for stopping in.:bighug:
Howdy Space Cadets. :bighug: Fastbuds Cherry Cola. last two down. :thumbsup: taste is fruit and gas. high Very strong Indica. :sleeping: right up my alley. NO cliché here......"a good daytime smoke":eyebrows:
If you don't want to fall asleep, smoke a little less. Still have two growing. Urban legends Gorilla Cookies. . harvest later this week. thanks for dropping in.
@Mossy :bighug:Thank you Deah! It's so obvious! beings from elsewhere have been coming here since before the species known as Human existed, As well as earlier civilizations that evolved here on Earth and are still here.
And humans are fourth or fifth on the intelligence scale, and dropping. :face:
@Mossy :bighug:Thank you Deah! It's so obvious! beings from elsewhere have been coming here since before the species known as Human existed, As well as earlier civilizations that evolved here on Earth and are still here.
And humans are fourth or fifth on the intelligence scale, and dropping. :face:
From my understanding there's at least 7 species of non terrestrial beings that are inhabiting the Earth at any one time and some been here for 30,000 years +. One of the more "famous" visitors in recent time was Valiant Thor, a book about this chap, "Stranger at the Pentagon" was even penned.

Here's some info for anyone interested.
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:bighug: Magoo, ya ol' perv', still servicing the ladies like a champ- :spels::drool:

The CC looks excellent, nice solid nuggies and well frosted! So, she's one of those girls with a frying pan hidden behind her back, ay? A couple tokes too many and she brains ya into the nearest chair- :rofl: ...I know the type!

Urban Legend does fine work, I wish he'd just make some more noise and get better notice...
Mate, if you need seeds let me know... Gotta get you hooked up to some Laughing Hyena, Sawney, Jean-O's Genetics... you see them here, the last two in-house and all can stand toe-to-toe with "big house" breeders - :thumbsup:
PM incoming :smokeit: