Indoor Waxi's short stuff test thread

Day 24 update on the SCH Girls :) The H4s are doing quite well! I'm starting to get pumped for a harvest run for those little lovelies :) The H2 is a.... well.... Jeebus! Its a two plant on one stem Horticultural Freak SHOW!!! I fully expect to open the closet one morning, and this spinach-topped man-eating canna sprig is going to try to shiv me! It's palpable....lololol
One of these Girls.. is..not like the others......
Hope y'alls plants are equally interesting, and growing fine :) "AFN smoke out"
Wonders never cease! My "oddball H2" seems to be stretching up, and looking fine- just in the past couple days! I'll post pics tomorrow, but was too excited, and had to share....
Well it must have moved south! I know Down East did not get much, here at the FIL's we got about 8-10, hard to tell with the wind! That's in RI, don't know what it's like back home in Ma. Hopefully we are north enough it won't be too, to bad.
We are getting heavy heavy arctic cold winds in Maryland, ,can't wait for spring time.
Yeah.. the wind picked up here about 2PM, and I'm damn glad we have a 200 foot hill to the west of the house! Brutal!! I can see the north 40 pines just whipping!! 50 degrees, and calm.. This is my wish!! lololol
Hey, whilst I'm high and actually TOOK a pic... Here are the Lab Ladies :) The left plant is the H2, and she is going full beast mode- Amazing! From Sprig to 7 days....Wow!
The front H4 is a lanky girl. Showing her Lady pahts with abandon, too :) The back H4 seems happy as a shite rolled sow. Plenty bushy, and not a lot of node space.
Looking forward to the smoke from these, and H2 is fast becoming my Barrio Babe :)
Hey, Peeps :) My Tardy Test Update has arrived.... lolol
Here is H4.1, Day 41. She's one skinny beiotch.. Seems to be happy, but having trouble keeping her greened up, unlike her Sister.
H4.2- Day 41. She is green, mean, and shaggy as can be! I can't wait to see her stretch!:drool:
H2, Day 41. I'm so very glad that I didn't pull this Lady when she was a mutant.. She's growing 2 plants from one stem! And, like my son said, "she's taking to puberty pretty well, huh?" lololol

So, the Lab Ladies are doing well, and looks like they'll be harvest booty!:fire:

Thanks for taking a look, Peeps!
Y'all Rock! "AFN smoke out"
Its day 50 for the Short Stuff Ladies, and they are taking off!
Here is H2- She is going to be a brute, methinks! And, she is a heavy drinker..
H4.1, she has doubled in height in the past week. Just a lanky, temperamental girl, that...
H4.2- I want a forest full of this pheno!! I salivate every time I think of curing her buds :)

That's the view from Waxi Labs.... Update in a week or so :)
"AFN smoke out"