Indoor Waxi's short stuff test thread


21st Century Medicine Man
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Hi folks, ready and waiting for seeds :)

Question for Jim/Short Stuff... Is there a preferred grow method/process you'd like for these tests? I was planning on using my Sunshine#4 mix, with amendments, and AN M/G/B with additives (hobbyist and expert schedule). They'll be put under 500 watts MH, then 750 watts of HPS.
Can't wait to get started!
:Sharing One:
Seeds arrived today, by wind whipped carrier pidgeon... I'll germ 3 of each in the next day or 2 :)
Germination update- 2 out of 3 of each strain have popped, in PT. I'll pot them up Sunday morning, and get this test grow going!
One note- I have 2 test groups- let's call them H2 and H4. When I put the seeds in a shot glasses the other day, one of the H4 seeds dropped to the bottom like a stone! It was the first to pop.
Hi folks, ready and waiting for seeds :)

Question for Jim/Short Stuff... Is there a preferred grow method/process you'd like for these tests? I was planning on using my Sunshine#4 mix, with amendments, and AN M/G/B with additives (hobbyist and expert schedule). They'll be put under 500 watts MH, then 750 watts of HPS.
Can't wait to get started!
:Sharing One:

Good question, I wondered about guidelines also, otherwise I'll stick to my recycled organic soil ammended with worm castings and/or Grow More Organic Soil Builder.
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Quick update: So, only 2 of the H2 and 1 of the H4 sprouted soil. The 2nd of the H2's wouldn't have, until I dug it out and set it straight. The others, when I gently dug them, were dead under the soil... I didn't do anything diff from normal... Hmmmmm.
Perhaps, germination problems are part of the test??
I'll post pics tomorrow- I've been down with a MASSIVE head cold/sore throat/headache all week, and I need a nap! lololol
Ladies and Gentlemen... I introduce.. from the stitchy regions of the Universe......
The Hazy Ladies!!!! At Day 6 from soil.
H4.1- Clearly the Queen of the bunch, and looks solid.
H4.2- She had helmet head early on, but not showing long term issues..
H2- She's the only seed of the 3 to pop soil. Both the other seeds were atrophied in the hole, and I just lightly covered the seed hole to block light, no pat down....

So, the Girls are on their way. I'll be transplanting into 3 gallon root pouches tomorrow/Friday, and put them in the veg tent under 750w MH, 20/4.
The H2 seedling is not producing her first real leaf sets... I'll keep her going, but she isn't budging a bit...
The SCH toddlerettes, Day 9. I'll be transplanting into 3 gal root pouches tomorrow, and into the veg tent they go- 20/4... The lower right is the H2. She has her cotyledons and single leaf growth. She doesn't even have a BUMP in the leaf cleft that would show another set is coming. I'll keep her going, but I'm thinking Certified Tweaker...... just sayin....
Status report..Short Stuff Stardate 1/31/15.... lolol Well, the H4s are coming along fine on Day 16 from pop. Trying to dial in the watering-currently leaning on dryer rather than..
H4s... Good structure and seem to be doing good. I just boosted their nutes, so the lower N def should be short lived :)
Ok... This H2 is just plain genomically fekked... I mean, what the.....
M.O.O.N... That spells Tom Cullen!! lololol
(obscure, movie reference)