Hey, Dear Peeps! Let me admit.. I've just smoked 5 hits of quick dry fluff from these Ladies, and I.am.STONED!
Now. The BV Trio has been ushered into the drying closet on Day 60 in flower, after a little meditative time to remember the (many!) lessons learned from this grow

I'm so grateful that they made it to harvest, seeing as my mad scientist/soil mixing/N chasing self wasn't so sure about it for a bit, there lolol
I got 440 grams after trimming, wet. So, I expect those most dense and solid nugs will yield about 4 ounces when the jar is burped. I know the yield was affected by the constant N def, and to add to that, one of the lowest branches on Lady Nod has a cache of SEEDS in it!! 16, to be precise. Not a nad to be seen (and, I used a 30x loupe to check), but some big @ss, viable seeds. After trim, I checked the tent (a used 4x8 foot Secret Jardin I got for a song), and sure enough... one of the access ports on the side was uncinched enough to get light to the very corner that Nod occupied for the duration. Yet another lesson learned....
Enough bloviating.... here's some pics!

Lady Winkin, in her trich coated glory!

Lady Nod, just prior to beheading.. Those top nugs are just ROCKS.

And, finally, my dear Lady Blinkin! That top was a brute! It weighed 49 grams, alone!
And, it would be rude not to post a few post-harvest pics, methinks

There were a bunch of lessons learned on this run.
I was layering soils, for testing purposes, and clearly overstepped my experience level. As a result, I found myself chasing deficiencies in nitrogen for weeks!
I was mostly successful in my FIM technique, as both Winkin and Nod were multi-top Babes.
The Roots Organic nutes-I think they are really great nutes, and I will use them again. That said, they require you to use their program-both liquid and dressings-at a high level, and even then (as I researched) you may need to use MORE of the grow, as the nitrogen specs are quite low. I wish I'd doubled the grow measure! As it was, it took multiple dressings of high N bat guano to stabilize, and that.. barely, in this grow.
And, it took 5 WEEKS to ultimately genocide the fungus gnats, which were a freebie from the Mass Whole Soil..... errr....
On the whole, a successful grow. And, I know more about cannabis growing than I did 3 months ago!
Time for a few more hits!!!
Thank you to everyone who stopped by, helped out, gave shite, was a good shite, and enjoyed the ride!
some love to you all! :hug:
I'll post some end game pics, and a dry weight, when Boveda time arrives.....