Cardinal Cultivations - Wawashell
Damn the smell is getting worse, well better, but starting to smell at the front door. As soon as I got home from work, it was like a "fresh green earthy sweet funk smell that climbs in your nostrils and releases the perfume from a skunk." Gonna have to go get some filters and soon. never really ran into such a strong smell from my plants before. Atleast not at the front door. My bedroom usually stays like that, but not at the front door across the house. And I have grown a few photos and a few autos. I will say this, never this many at one time though. When I did the photos, which were THSeeds MK Ultra, Spliff Blueberry and Zamnesia Blueberry, never that much of a smell through out the house. They were also only grown 2 at a time. When I did autos, which were Short Stuff Himalayan Blue Diesel, never this much of a smell from them through out.