Mephisto Genetics WawaShell’s Meph. Gen. IlluminAuto Grow(s)

Sour Crinkle absolutely loves “leaf tucking”. Highly recommended to perform on Sour Crinkle. LST is a little bit slower but then again I only did a branch. So far veg stage is cruising. She isn’t to finicky with nutes, although I didn’t push them either. My main focus was to go for more of a SOG auto grow. Absolutely enjoyable so far, man can’t wait for flowering.
Looking good I bet after some sour crinkle I to would be talking charlie brown language. ...wawa wawa wawa AWA.
Sour Crinkle Day 29
Gold Glue Day 26
Trident Special Day 19
:worship:Thanks Everyone Fot The Likes!
Actually the first time I have had no types of deficiencies. Exited about this. Plus this should be a huge part of my meds for a while, A HUGE SUCCESS SO FAR! Thanks everyone again for following along!
@bushmasterar15 @Mizzo81 @BCBudlady @912GreenSkell @trailanimal @Raoul Duke and others I forgot to mention oh.... @Sean420 ( my 2x4 idols).
Thanks with out y’all I wouldn’t push my self this hard to growing, I wanna be on yalls status, the great growers!:bow:

My bad @Seabass
I appreciate the shout out, but I'm also learning each day. The great friends I've made here, the help they've given me has made me strive to keep doing better. I'm here to help out where I can and would like everyone to be successful in their grows.
I appreciate the shout out, but I'm also learning each day. The great friends I've made here, the help they've given me has made me strive to keep doing better. I'm here to help out where I can and would like everyone to be successful in their grows.
Me to brother, me to!:pass: