New Grower Watering

I don't want to confuse you, as you have been given some real good advice. Daft as it sounds, watering is a tricky thing to get right. Some people, me among them, also like to sit them in a saucer of water, then let them take up whatever amount they require over 30-45 mins. However, they will need to have a decent root ball before you use this method. ie, see roots from under the pot drain holes.
Absolutely @Foxhunter .

Giving them a drink via the saucer method is all very well, just don't forget them and come back next day and think Ooops ! They can kinda drown if left for long periods in a water bath. I would never use this method exclusively but rather use it when I'm not too sure if they need water or not. That way the plant makes its own mind up.