New Grower Watering

Jul 8, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Do you let the soil dry out between watering for autos?? And when you do water, do you water enough to get run off?? Thanks keep token
Do you let the soil dry out between watering for autos?? And when you do water, do you water enough to get run off?? Thanks keep token
Never let the pot dry out completely.Get used to what the pot weighs when it's just watered and when it starts to feel on the lite side then water it.Depending on your temps and humidity will make a differrence on how often you water and also they will need fewer waterings when there smaller and more watering as they get larger.I't takes a little practice at first but you will learn .
@Foxhunter ,

Come on pal, I thought you understood three posts ago, this is Intros and not the place to keep firing questions. Please post your questions in the General Autoflower Discussion thread please chum.

This is not a telling off, I don't do that, I was new and lost once myself. But please post your questions here below. Cheers.....eP.
Sorry, I have major OCD I see things wrong and kinda panic, that happened with this,, I'm trying real hard to control it, reason for me growing,, ivsaw a issue with my plants and didn't think about were to post,, I do appreciate your patience, thanks
Not a problem @Foxhunter , we are the caring, sharing, warm and cuddly forum. Its called the AFN Vibe. We don't do nasty. Just gentle

Most of us have issues of one sort or the other. I am suffering panic attacks and anxiety at the moment, so I/we all have time and patience for each other. It helps to talk and not bottle it up.
Do you let the soil dry out between watering for autos?? And when you do water, do you water enough to get run off?? Thanks keep token

Hey @Foxhunter and weclome to AFN my man:welcome:
When growing in soil I go with the pot lifting method, if its light it needs watering. Once you have done it a few times in flower you can normally work out a timescale for each plant. At the start of a grow I do a pot weight test to familiarize my self with the weight of the pot unwatered. How dry you leave the soil is debatable but you don't want your plant to droop. Some say it best to time just right as the soil go's dry just before the plants have run out then water... pot lifting test. I water until about 10-20% -ish run off.
Hope that helps
Get used to lifting the pot with thumb/index finger to "feel" when watering is next needed. Water to some run off. Please resist over watering.