Nutrients Watering with Biotabs, substrate selection

Jul 23, 2018
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My questions are probably answered somewhere in this forum/internet but after searching for many hours I couldnt find the answers.
-I can use tap water, but should I keep it in an open container for 1-2 days for the clorine to evaporate? Where I live the tap water has lots of clorine. Also, I know it is not needed but will it help if I still check and regulate the PH?
-I can use both coco and soil, mix it with either clay pebbles or perlite, but through your experience what combination gives better results? (not using autopots just smart pots)
-I have read that I might run into calmag deficiencies when using LEDs, is it something I should keep in mind? I want to be prepared if I need to buy something more than the Biotabs Starter Kit.

My questions are probably answered somewhere in this forum/internet but after searching for many hours I couldnt find the answers.
-I can use tap water, but should I keep it in an open container for 1-2 days for the clorine to evaporate? Where I live the tap water has lots of clorine. Also, I know it is not needed but will it help if I still check and regulate the PH?
-I can use both coco and soil, mix it with either clay pebbles or perlite, but through your experience what combination gives better results? (not using autopots just smart pots)
-I have read that I might run into calmag deficiencies when using LEDs, is it something I should keep in mind? I want to be prepared if I need to buy something more than the Biotabs Starter Kit.


1. Less chlorine is better. So yep.

2. If you regulate the PH there will be less "work" to be done in-pot. So yep, why not.

3. People will disagree, but pebbles and perlite mixed into the medium does sod all, especially in coco. 50% perlite in a 10 litre pot means only 5 litres of medium. Coco or good soil should be perfect without anything mixed in. I used straight coco last run and had no issues to speak of and the best roots I've ever had. Try one of each?

4. There is no calmag issue inherent with LED lighting. It's a myth. The stronger / more intense the light, the more food the plants will need to "keep up". Nowt to do with what type of light it is. You could try mixing some lime into your medium, but Waira will have something to say about that. And probably most of what I've said above! Maybe get some low-N calmag to add to your res.

Avoid AN calmag as its N heavy. I forget the name of the one I found but its very low N. I'll try and remember. Don't hold your breath lol, I smoke a lot of weed.
Thanks for the reply Hippy, I am going through your journals they are very informative!

I will also buy the Biotabs PK Booster Compost Tea even though you did not suggest it because I want the best possible quality from my girls.

If there's anything else besides the starter kit, low N calmag and PK compost tea you think I could add to the menu, please let me know.

I don't want to burn the plants but I want them to be as happy and healthy as possible. The reason I decided to grow is that I am sick of the low-quality unflushed shit I can buy here, I don't mind spending more money as long as it will improve quality (quantity is not important)
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Thanks for the reply Hippy, I am going through your journals they are very informative!

I will also buy the Biotabs PK Booster Compost Tea even though you did not suggest it because I want the best possible quality from my girls.

If there's anything else besides the starter kit, low N calmag and PK compost tea you think I could add to the menu, please let me know.

I don't want to burn the plants but I want them to be as happy and healthy as possible. The reason I decided to grow is that I am sick of the low-quality unflushed shit I can buy here, I don't mind spending more money as long as it will improve quality (quantity is not important)

Informative, but possibly about my state of mind, rather than growing weed! Haha.

PK Tee or Bio PK. The Bio is easier to use, just for your information.

Nothing else needed.

They won't burn unless you do something very wrong mate. Go into this with a positive mind and thinking of a positive outcome. That way, you're already about 90% there. Success / failure is all in the head.

I'm with you on bought weed. I smoked some yesterday and it actually made me feel shit. Not good.

Try hassling @Ryker604_BT for a free starter pack mate. Worth a try :thumbsup:
hahah I will most certainly hassle him as questions arise while I'm growing :) don't want the free stuff I would love to support a company that respects the earth and my health and doesn't pump me up with monsanto cancers
hahah I will most certainly hassle him as questions arise while I'm growing :) don't want the free stuff I would love to support a company that respects the earth and my health and doesn't pump me up with monsanto cancers

Nice attitude, love it. Biotabs really are cool. Essentially made from waste chicken shit as well, so truly green.

There are a LOT of nute companies out there that don't give a fig about our health. Some very popular on here. Shameful.