New Grower Watering Plants - trying a new way


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Seems most people water there plants the same way. You read all the time:
Water until you see runoff........ and in the next breath you get: BUT, don't over water.... Huh?

I've long believed that over watering was much worse than under watering. I've begun a test of giving them measured amounts of water and keeping track of how much they use, at every 2week periods of growth. I've been using an amount of water equal to 10% of the volume of soil. I've read that a good soil mix will hold about 20% water at 100% saturation. At 10% they are doing well. But I think I can up that to 12.5% to extend time between waterings. I weigh the pots in my hand to judge when they need water. If I grew fewer plants, say 3 or 4,I'd consider weighing each one before and after watering. It would make finding an ideal amount of water per watering easier.

I'm making myself use the metric scale as its really much easier to measure things esp. compared to teaspoons and tablespoons and cups, archaic!

Ok so I'm a geek...........but I like testing theories like this, it keeps me outta trouble.............

Subbed.... This is right up the Tinkering alley where curious folks hang out :tiphat:
Subbed up Pop, I too believe that under watering is better for plants than over watering. I mean it's so easy to correct than vice versa ... Peace!!!
Professor pop :Grow & Show..: :PH Reading..?: great idea. I dont like watering to runoff so would love to see how this goes
Myself, I don't do the runoff method either. It feels so wrong instinctively. If the bucket is light, it needs water. When it's heavy - it's done. Good luck on the Metric conversion ! It's frustrating talking to folks outside the States and not knowing the conversion :slaps:

:Sharing One:
Thanks guys! Right now, I have a tent full of bud, and a Blue Dragon that looks like she is going to fill my 4ft x 4ft. scrog net! All are watered at 10% of pot vol.. So my big plant get 1 gallon every watering, etc.
Not a soil grower.but this sure is some nice info. Subd..
Just a thought, if you can place a pot on a scale, say a bathroom type scale, you would be able to get a visual on water use more or less. The digital glass top kind, they switch off automatically so all you'll have to do, is lift the pot slightly, put it down again, and bob's ya uncle..... Dunno, perhaps useful in your scenario.

A mechanical one might do it too, but less accurate, at least In the cheaper end of scales.
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I do the runoff method.If you have a 5 gal.pot,you would use 1/2 gallon.I hope my math is not suspect.I wait until my pots are light ,this method has worked for me.When you use the runoff method ,does this take the beneficial stuff out of the soil,Peace
I usually feed my plants 2 liters every other day. Seems to work well for me.