Water ph at 7.8, getting ugly fast!

Jun 7, 2020
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Problem:What appeared at first to be a nutrient deficiency has over the course of the last week or so gotten far worse, yellow spreading fast.

Medium/grow method:Master Nursery potting soil

Feed: and supplements used: Top dress with compost and garden tone. And one feeding with earth juice grow and bloom, Largely to drop the ph

water source:Tap water, aerated. As I use water, I top up the bucket. unless it is slimy, in which case I wash it all out and start fresh.

Strain/age:Zamaldelica express from NightOwl, 35 ish days

light used:Overdriven t8 fluorescent, running 18-6

Climate:75-81f, 50-60rh

Additional info:I have grow journal here with all the pics and info.
So I was being cheap and lazy and didnt buy a ph meter until I was seeing significant issues. Which means I have been feeding water at7.8 for the whole grow thus far. I threw on a feedingwith earth juice to get the ph down in the soil, but now having second thoughts. Think I can unfuck this?

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Problem:What appeared at first to be a nutrient deficiency has over the course of the last week or so gotten far worse, yellow spreading fast.

Medium/grow method:Master Nursery potting soil

Feed: and supplements used: Top dress with compost and garden tone. And one feeding with earth juice grow and bloom, Largely to drop the ph

water source:Tap water, aerated. As I use water, I top up the bucket. unless it is slimy, in which case I wash it all out and start fresh.

Strain/age:Zamaldelica express from NightOwl, 35 ish days

light used:Overdriven t8 fluorescent, running 18-6

Climate:75-81f, 50-60rh

Additional info:I have grow journal here with all the pics and info.
So I was being cheap and lazy and didnt buy a ph meter until I was seeing significant issues. Which means I have been feeding water at7.8 for the whole grow thus far. I threw on a feedingwith earth juice to get the ph down in the soil, but now having second thoughts. Think I can unfuck this?
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First always ph water even in organics that's ur #1 problem as the plant can not up take nutes if outside the ph range for medium being used which looks like soil so ph to 6.5 and flush it to fix ur ph issue make sure to lightly feed bc the nutes u put in already will be mostly washed away
I use Earth Juice too and if I put the full Recommended amount it drops the PH down below 4 so I only use 1/4 a 1/2 the dose. If I were you I would flush with plain 6.5 PH water by pouring 3X the amount of soil in water ... example if its a five gallon pot I would put 15 gallons of 6.5 PH water slowly through, (to make sure you soak all of soil) it will be coming out clear by the end. Then on the last gallon I would add nutrients to the water and ph to 6.5. Then I wouldn't water for about a week, unless the plant and pot get dry and light.
you can find citric acid at the grocery store in the canning section usually or PH down the water with something natural like Alaska Naturals PH down (which os the same thing)
I have had problems with PH before too, when I wasnt ising a PH meter....
Ok, thanks folks. Looks like a flushing is in order!
For the other, younger, not yet visibly hurting plant, should I flush as well do you think, or just water with ph corrected water?
I have had problems with PH before too, when I wasnt ising a PH meter....
Yeah, it is amazing what happens when you willfully turn a blind eye to a critical thing haha. Whoops!
In the past when I have used EJ I had issues with ph dropping, but started adding tons of oyster shell to the soil mix and was able to basically ignore it.
Straight lemon juice works for ph down. I've "heard" not to use grapefruit. Don't know about oranges or other citrus fruits.
I would probably give the younger one a flush to be sure. It helps to use microbial stuff too like great White by plant Success or the other really hreat one is Plus C by Microbe life :astar: :peace: :)
I use lemon juice and baking soda for ph up(lemon) and ph down but it does need to be used after if u store it it will go back up slowly
I use lemon juice and baking soda for ph up(lemon) and ph down but it does need to be used after if u store it it will go back up slowly
I used to use baking soda for ph up then @Waira said something in a post about it possibly causing some sort of toxicity. Since I grabbed a bag of tnb naturals it wasn’t expensive and it seems to be strong so not much needed this bag is gonna last me a long long time and it’s super stable.