Problem:What appeared at first to be a nutrient deficiency has over the course of the last week or so gotten far worse, yellow spreading fast.
Medium/grow method:Master Nursery potting soil
Feed: and supplements used: Top dress with compost and garden tone. And one feeding with earth juice grow and bloom, Largely to drop the ph
water source:Tap water, aerated. As I use water, I top up the bucket. unless it is slimy, in which case I wash it all out and start fresh.
Strain/age:Zamaldelica express from NightOwl, 35 ish days
light used:Overdriven t8 fluorescent, running 18-6
Climate:75-81f, 50-60rh
Additional info:I have grow journal here with all the pics and info.
So I was being cheap and lazy and didnt buy a ph meter until I was seeing significant issues. Which means I have been feeding water at7.8 for the whole grow thus far. I threw on a feedingwith earth juice to get the ph down in the soil, but now having second thoughts. Think I can unfuck this?
Medium/grow method:Master Nursery potting soil
Feed: and supplements used: Top dress with compost and garden tone. And one feeding with earth juice grow and bloom, Largely to drop the ph
water source:Tap water, aerated. As I use water, I top up the bucket. unless it is slimy, in which case I wash it all out and start fresh.
Strain/age:Zamaldelica express from NightOwl, 35 ish days
light used:Overdriven t8 fluorescent, running 18-6
Climate:75-81f, 50-60rh
Additional info:I have grow journal here with all the pics and info.
So I was being cheap and lazy and didnt buy a ph meter until I was seeing significant issues. Which means I have been feeding water at7.8 for the whole grow thus far. I threw on a feedingwith earth juice to get the ph down in the soil, but now having second thoughts. Think I can unfuck this?
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