Lighting Want to purchase a cob.. Which to choose?!

Nov 26, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Hey guys n gals,

Keen to purchase a cob light but need some expertise on which one.. My grow space is small, 1 plant at a time in a 40x40x120cm tent :eek1:.. so I'll only need 1 cob.. Want one that can go from start to finish, so 3500k, 4000k or 6500k? Also would the respective plug to country be provided?

Seen some great results from them on here, so would love an upgrade from my mars 300. :mrgreen:
I'm using the 3500k from start to finish. I think if you need the EU plug @BigSm0 has them available just have to let him know when ordering. Here they are at 20 days and 26 days
Hello Avalanche Blanch, yes one cob per plant is the general rule for growing with the efficient cobs. EU plugs are not a problem either. The cobs would have a similar light output compared to what you have now but you would benefit in a few ways. The cob spectrum is much more complete, there would be a wall wattage savings which also equals less heat too.

Let me know what you are interested in and I will be sure to assist however I can.
I would say yes to 1 per plant for autoflowers. I'm just using some of the overlap to give light to the solo which is doing well. I started my lights at 36"/92cm above the pot but my tent is 7ft tall.
:smoking: hey Blanch! You have caught the very man for this job, 'Sm0 and his AutoCOB's! They have shown to be superb lights, grow after grow here, and perfect for your needs,...:thumbsup:
I'm still drooling over mine, and dyin' to try them out!
@Avalanche Blanch I love the Autocob enough to replace my Timber with 4 Autocobs from @BigSm0 . Now here's what I found very interesting, I get more light from less wattage I went down from 400 watts to 240 if I get the max wattage from the Autocob thats 160 watts less than the Timber and puts off more light . This my seem hard to believe and if I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes, I would think I fell off my rocker and pumped my head because logic would tell you the more wattage = more light well not in this case. I would go all 3500 k IMO the best kelvin for both Veg and flower. You can't go wrong with these lights they are just that good. :jump:and the best thing is NO FRAME to bump my head on :woohoo:
Autocobs rock :headbang: