Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

Waira I'm not ignoring you my friend! I'll get back to you soon! hope all is well! those ladies look incredibly delish! ! amazing work my friend!
also since the GP was my first coco grow and harvest I didn't flush enough and most of it wouldn't burn... total bummer. good thing I bought 3 pack!!
Shumway}- :stylez rasta smoke:thanks mate!... I've never had plants this late in season before, and it's been very enlightening and interesting to see how these "in between" genetics perform! Can you believe, with a little extra modest strength supplemental lighting during veg', you can plant a seed at the beginning of August and have a decent yielding 3ft plant 3 months later, outside?! :dance2:

Rebstah!}- LOL!- No worries bro', I know your hands are full, and I'm constantly behind nowadays too... I'm due to check in at you new thread, and catch up on other things too,...****. :yoinks: Gahhh! The GP still had that much residuals in it?! :face:shit-the-damn-bed!! High magnitude bummer, my friend, considering how fine she was as a growing plant!... No doubt about it, time for a redo on GP! I think this one is giving me an idea about how the Moby smelled, oddly enough... :shrug: :D:
yeah definitely have to grow it again as what I did taste was amazing. just couldn't get it to stay lit long enough to burn a whole doob... total bummer... I need to try that fast finishing photo! :D
Well my friend, I finally made time to make it over here.

:Cushty: You sure did find your :gthumb: with your second grow this season. It is so awesome to have all these master growers so willing to help us novice Canna growers out.:bow:
We certainty could never have achieved what we both did this year without all of their help.

Your GP looks amazing. It is hard to believe you started her in August! I'm sold, along with the Cream Caramel. I will certainly be trying them down the road, most likely next OD season. I'm going to go wild, growing many different Photo strains OD next year.

I am getting ready to start trying to grow Photos indoors. Just had some Herijuana beans and a (Ak47 x White Widow) pop up today that I will use for mothers, as I want to learn how to clone. I am going to go for a SOG using LEDs for flowering for my first go at it.Been doing a lot of research the last couple of weeks. Getting very excited to start learning this aspect of growing our favorite species of plant.

I have a bunch of different strains of Autos in different stages in my 2 grow cabs right now, including my first personal cross. They should be finished out by the time I am ready for my first Photo run. I did chop a Skunk#1 auto cross yesterday, and all my OD gear is jarred up and curing. Ended up with close to 3 lbs. Never did get an exact weight, but I have 4 cases + of jars filled up.

... The Hoopy looks so forlorn in it's empty state..-LOL! I guess next, it's time to take the cover off, but you can leave the frame, right?
Yea, the day after our marathon days of trimming the cover came off, and will leave the galvanized frame up. It took all of about 15 minutes to take the cover off, fold it up and stow it away.
Barring some major change in the future, my growing days here are done... sucky, I know, and I've got the bug bigger than ever!....
I am very bummed for you that you will have to wait until next spring to grow again! Growing is so addicting once one starts to see and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Not sure if I will start another thread right away. Believe it or not, I still feel very inept with my indoor growing skills, at this point. Even though I know that all the masters on this site are so willing and want to help us novices. I guess it is more of a pride thing for me, as I am still such a perfectionist. The least I should do is make an album with my current grow with some pics of the inside of my grow cabs/gear. I will pm you if I do that.

And you, my friend, have you plans for the heaping mound of trim and smalls you got?
Yes, I plan on making some of about everything, with all the trim and even bud, since I have a bit of it. I should do some cooking tomorrow; make some budder (brownies) and a couple of different tinctures.
I have about all the recipes on this site in my documents and on my Kindle, including Rebs olive oil extract (thanks Rebel!), and everyone else for posting all these great recipies.
I've had this skin condition on my palms for 2+ years now, and nothing the Doctors Rx's or other lotions, etc., have done doodly-shit to prevent and treat it! The skin gets stingy/itchy in places, followed by micro-dots of subdermal hemorrhaging, then the surface forms thin, brittle callusing which cracks and flakes... f*cking misery for those who work with their hands! But this rub has stopped it completely, no exaggeration! No flare-ups in 3 weeks now,... I'm so profoundly relieved I'm almost in tears over it! I'm now trying the rub and extra oil on my shit knee, working it in once a day, and I think it's starting to help, just a bit too soon to be definitively sure yet! So, look them up if you and your lady think you might like to try it, and make the oil yourselves, even the rub when you have roots available! It's not complicated, and the homework has been done already by the 'Turd's! ..
We have been buying a Coconut Oil based salve at a local dispensary here, for a few months now, and you are right, it is a miracle salve. My wife can't smoke or ingest Cannabis (she's starting to use the vaporizer some). But the salve can take away the major pain in her severely degenerated lower back much better than any pharmaceutical pain meds can! Just after I had my total knee replacement, I started getting eczema on both of my lower legs/shins. Not quite as severe as your condition, but still very bothersome at times. Same story as you, tried every rx available to no avail. The salve completely takes care of it. Miracle stuff to be sure. I will be making my own from now on though.
I hope all is well with you and your wife, and your hands aren't complete toast at this point!
Thanks for asking, we both have our good days and bad. I can say with certainty that we are VERY glad to be done trimming for now. It was very satisfying for my wife though, as she can't do very much anymore with her health, but she sure can sit and trim! I did have some a funky new thing starting to happen with both my thumbs after hours of trimming. They would both just automatically close to the palms of my hands and be frozen there for a few minutes at a time. Oh well, it is hell getting older at times.
I'm dyin' to know the details on the buds!!... I'm giving things a good cure time before I do smoke reports, but samples of everything so far are damn fine! MoB is fierce strong! So are the Sweets,..
Yea, I'm doing the same as far as my for smoke reports. At that time I will post some pics of the buds as well on my thread.
I have sampled the FBG and the 3 fingered FBG pheno. The typical FBG pheno will be a great daytime pain relieving strain, but the 3 fingered FBG pheno will be night time knock out smoke ONLY. Most potent Indica I have grown or smoked to date, which is not saying much, since I have only been using Cannabis again for 2&1/2 years after not using it for 27.

Some news from here; Dad will be getting a stent put in that abdominal aneurism Nov.5th at Stanford Hosp.! We've known about it for years, and it's growth has been slow, but a few years ago it started to grow faster, but at that time a different method of dealing with it was to risky for him at that age, so since then it's been a ticking time bomb; recently though, the technique has changed, going in through the femoral artery, far far less invasive than before, so while there's still risks, it's well worth it even now, at nearly 92!! So meantime, I've been pretty busy with him...he's doing okay otherwise, but time is really catching up with him, mentally and physically.... But he keeps chugging along, to the happy surprise of us all! I thought for almost sure, he wouldn't last through the year, back in Spring,...
Waira, that is great news my friend, as far as his upcoming surgery, but I know it is hard to see someone you love, and live with decline. I can say this out of experience with my wife, and her chronic diseases. Your father is very fortunate to have you my friend.:tiphat:
Ok, I had better go get some work done. I found a local EWC supplier today, who likes to barter:stylez rasta smoke:. He ended selling me about 150 # and some pure EWC tea for waaaay below wholesale price. Like he almost gave it to me, but I will be compensating him very soon. It looks primo! I need to go take care of that, and back to more research.

Be safe, and well. :karma Cloud:
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:D: Okay, 5 days have past, and not only have things ground to a halt, trich's are well ahead of where the leaves are, oddly enough! About 1/2 the fans have been tapped out and removed,...Looked today, and about <10% are amber, with a similar amount showing faint discoloration going that direction, quickly!...Aromatics are heavenly- currently there's a definite Kaffir lime, and Lychee candy smell!! :drool:.... So, likely Sunday, Chop-Eyes will pay a little visit,... This sudden rapid ripening surprised me! I thought she had several more days still,... :shrug: F1 Fast Baby!! :GoooAuto:

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:Holy Moly:

"Now thats A Knife "

10 days mre ...Go Go Go Go Go