...Pardon the delay mates, been off track lately,... ...thank you all for visiting! ... update to follow
BR'- LOL!-- too tall is a good problem! ...The tree frog found me....
Darth -- thanks bud!... no, I've not grown J47 yet, but by all accounts it's one of Sweets very best, and that is saying something! Boot-to-the-head potency, and superb aromatics baby!
.... Yeah, i got lucky again, and got the deep purple MoB pheno'... funny, the breeder says he never selected for the color, he wanted the "green' pheno, which as a more incense-like nuance added in along with the berry... the purp's is more fruity across the board... both are
Sir Douglas! Good to see you mate, sorry I've been scarce out your way,.. I'm sure you've up to your usual naughty tricks!
Cheers my good brother!
>> Hey
Vas, what's good? :smoking: ...thanks bud,... aren't you in one of GA6's comps right now?
Medi', thank you bro'! I think you jinxed my camera!
..'coz it's taking some funky pics recently,...I kid' :smoking:..it's kind of a beater now, and i think the abuse is catching up with it,.. time to cough up some $$ for a new one, dammit!
El Sam' , cheers bud, thanks for the kind words! yes, that MoB has defied everything I've tried, and I'm done riding it with foliars, etc.,..
My last purp's did a similar thing, but corrected after a week...
So, she'll look like a wharf dog by harvest, but meantime the budding seems to be okay,... classic MoB speed and aroma already!