Thanks my Southa' brudda! No doubt, night shots make the most of the flash and contrast,.... weather is better now, but the after effects are haunting me--- FUCKING MOLD!

... Atomic has the most pathetic mold resistance I've ever seen, it's an embarrassment to Bomb Seeds, straight up!,... this plant is just rolling over for it, I'm cutting out patches all over at this point! Lost the top cola, and over half the branches on the rest of the plant have shown mold... Weather wasn't
that bad, not at all, and was shielded from the worst of it... This shit pisses me off to no end, to release such a sorry weak poly-hybrid strain, there's
no excuse- 
.. the bud quality is great so far, but for fucks sake, breed some goddamn mold resistance into it!

-- I've seen dry climate hashplants do better in such conditions... I'm catching it right away, chopping shit out like a mad Civil War surgeon, and each day, more appears! Only thing saving the buds at the removal sites is the Optic Foliar ATAK/Transport, which is shutting it down there at least,... So, we'll see what the better weather does, and some night time fan generated air circ' does over the next few days,.. but likely, this will be an immature chop unless it halts enough for her to finish in a couple weeks,... what a shitshow of sad performance,...

Bomb Seeds, no wonder you make no comment in your descriptions about this important aspect of this strain,...
Much to my relief, so far the two ripest plants, TF and CC, are showing little impact, fighting it off well

, only a couple small patches... 'Phisto had a couple small patches, nothing new today though,.. C' Haze had a few surface hits, nothing stem-deep,... Psico seems OK, as does PTW,...