Nutrients Waira's next photo' op' with Biotabs!

:pass: :bighug:eP, A-T',.... thanks guys! .... yeah, this 'Phisto girl follows some others of her origins in her late branching,.. in pots, this kinda jams them up, right when they want to explode they start feeling the tight shoes, so it slows down suddenly making for more columnar plants, not much node stacking either,.. hurts yields for sure! Atomic did a similar thing, and when bloom started, stretch really halted quick! This might make her a good candidate for an indoor run, if ever you feel inclined! :eyebrows:... pretty speedy too,... But the farthest along is the Crystal Candy, despite her troubles, and she's the largest too now! I'd say her speed is right up there with the Sweet F1FV's,.. we'll see how quickly she finishes though,.... View attachment 795797
...Mammoth P, all the way baby! they get Recharge hits, and PK teas with Biotabs inoculants as well,... herd is the word my man! :coffee::wiz:

what a wonderful queen :D
~~~{{{ Week 13 update }}}~~~

:jointman: Prime time begins my friends! Buds are forming up very nicely on the girls, Psico' and PTW lagging a bit still, but we'll see what a week brings there,.. meantime, TF and CC are really building quickly! Aromas on them are so tasty, it's driving me nuts, and it's still so early- :hump:...very candy sweet, complex fruits, citrus and a little floral,... but they are eating fans faster than they should be, even with extra feeds, to the point of some tip roasting -:doh: :shrug: - actually, they all are to some degree, but that's fine by me, it just assures me there will be no repeat of last years P defc. TARFU... new round of PK tea, and Actinovate spray in the books,... Atomic is showing nice speed still, actually catching up with TF and CC....
.... tomorrow a pot to pot check of pH, which has been holding very well! :thumbsup:.... bad bugs have been scarce, and better yet, I've had larval lady bugs on a few plants, several small jumping spiders, a few web spinners which were kindly placed elsewhere- :biggrin: (thanks just the same!)... and for topper, this beauty!-- fortunately, no food here for it- (big leaf munchers)...


>>> Atomic ~~
At 26.jpg

>>> Bubblegum ~~

>>> Cannalope Haze ~~
CHz 26.jpg

>>> Crystal Candy ~~
cc 26a.jpg
:doh: :baghead: :cuss:--- well, a week's laspe in pH checking, and some hot weather, and BOOM!-- sudden TARFU pH in the Bubblegum,.... didn't chack last week, been fine so far,.. but that weather change triggered some crappy reactions in-pot.. pH dipped below 6, locking out P! Fans look like shit, many gone from internal tapping since nuth' is coming up from below,... lost more overnight,... so I went aggressive, flushing with about 8.0 water (hydrated lime, right now active!), it up just over 6.0, so we'll see what the morning shows,.. enough abuse for one day,... At least I have some classic P defc. pic's for the Infirmary Deficiency Pic thread! :rofl:
.... :wiz: some random garden pics,....

>>> passion vine

>> salvia hybrid

>> cuphea "Vermillionaire"--
my camera sucks with red/orange colors- :shrug:.. this is a brilliant orange-red, and the Salvia more crimson,...

>> cactus, spider web looking fibers over surface- cool! ..color should be hotter pink
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