New member from Finland!
Doing my first outdoor grow and indoor grow at the same time!
Just in love with autoflower strains, so easy and so awesome!
This Summer`s grow story :
Havent smoked weed for over 2 years when a old friend of mine said he got some extra if i wanna buy, so i thought YES! Even tho he was a old friend he still wanted the full price (Same as on the street) that is 20€/gram (blody overpriced i know) so went home with 4 grams and we had a blast for 2 weeks with my girlfriend, watching stupid tv shows and eating alot of ice cream (Soooo epic when you got the munchies) after we smoked it all i wanted some more, but wasnt gonna pay that much for it. Luckily it was spring time, when i started browsing the internet, and found a weed forum in Finland where growers also sell seeds (Buy seeds outside Fin, Customs will take your name and give it to the cops, 2 months later they are knocking on your door)
So i bought Lowryder2 and DieselRyder seeds, and put 13 lowryders in the soil asap like a excited little kid on christmas, when they where about 2 weeks old and the summer started showing signs of warm weather im went and put them outdoors. status: 13 Plants, 5 females, 7 males. 4 of the females are still oudoors and in flowering, should be done in a month
1 of the females was almost killed by a bug in the early stages, it was left with 1 little fan leaf, i thought to myself, That one is gonna die for sure, few weeks later to my amazment it had grown! but i felt a little sad for the plant so i decided to introduce her/him to my newly setup first growroom! gave her 10liter of good soil to sit in while my 400w light shines on him/her.
Later i found out it was a SHE! yay!
Shes been 3 weeks indoors and heres a little picture of her!
As you can see the bug done me a favour, now i have 2 main branches sticking out! Isnt she lovely!
Same time i put her in my indoor grow roomi thought to myself, she will get awfully lonley in there, so i put 6 DieselRyder`s in the soild and waited some time and then put em in there with her!
Heres the group picture!
1 DieselRyder showed me his balls a few days ago so he had to be eliminated!
Soo, thats pretty much my whole story!
As a reward if you guys actually read this whole story im gonna show you some pictures of my outdoor growings, cant remember what age they are on the picture!
New member from Finland!
Doing my first outdoor grow and indoor grow at the same time!
Just in love with autoflower strains, so easy and so awesome!
This Summer`s grow story :
Havent smoked weed for over 2 years when a old friend of mine said he got some extra if i wanna buy, so i thought YES! Even tho he was a old friend he still wanted the full price (Same as on the street) that is 20€/gram (blody overpriced i know) so went home with 4 grams and we had a blast for 2 weeks with my girlfriend, watching stupid tv shows and eating alot of ice cream (Soooo epic when you got the munchies) after we smoked it all i wanted some more, but wasnt gonna pay that much for it. Luckily it was spring time, when i started browsing the internet, and found a weed forum in Finland where growers also sell seeds (Buy seeds outside Fin, Customs will take your name and give it to the cops, 2 months later they are knocking on your door)
So i bought Lowryder2 and DieselRyder seeds, and put 13 lowryders in the soil asap like a excited little kid on christmas, when they where about 2 weeks old and the summer started showing signs of warm weather im went and put them outdoors. status: 13 Plants, 5 females, 7 males. 4 of the females are still oudoors and in flowering, should be done in a month
1 of the females was almost killed by a bug in the early stages, it was left with 1 little fan leaf, i thought to myself, That one is gonna die for sure, few weeks later to my amazment it had grown! but i felt a little sad for the plant so i decided to introduce her/him to my newly setup first growroom! gave her 10liter of good soil to sit in while my 400w light shines on him/her.
Later i found out it was a SHE! yay!
Shes been 3 weeks indoors and heres a little picture of her!
As you can see the bug done me a favour, now i have 2 main branches sticking out! Isnt she lovely!
Same time i put her in my indoor grow roomi thought to myself, she will get awfully lonley in there, so i put 6 DieselRyder`s in the soild and waited some time and then put em in there with her!
Heres the group picture!
1 DieselRyder showed me his balls a few days ago so he had to be eliminated!
Soo, thats pretty much my whole story!
As a reward if you guys actually read this whole story im gonna show you some pictures of my outdoor growings, cant remember what age they are on the picture!