Indoor Vlad's Multistrain Mud Massacre.

Cheers peeps... It's touch and go here tonight, Mr Chops has been admitted to doggy hospital with a tumour.. He didn't show any signs until today.

50-50.. Live or die..

Waiting for a call from the vet. [emoji52][emoji190]❤️
Oh, no! :(

I'll read on, hoping he's well and it was just a scare!

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Thanks peeps.. He's doing ok.[emoji5]


Had some food and shat in the garden! That's a good sign. [emoji2][emoji190]❤️
So handsome! Go Mr. Chops! Big hugs and lots of love to him! :)

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Tell me about it this monster is on lock down till her new muzzle arrives

I mean look at that face you wouldn't think she dragged my 6 foot son across the street to try and eat a king Charles spaniel got to her just in time before she closed her mouth around its head the dog was alright no marks but a close call and got some abuse from the other dog owner guess she shit herself just said sorry and dragged them both away [emoji85]

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Wow, with that angel face and all, huh? [emoji52]

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