Im just a big ol practical joker just some times what i find funny is maybe just a little bit frowned up on by the law, but as i see it as long as im laughing and nobody died then its ok lol. Once many years ago i got booed and hissed from a tesco. It started days before, an ex of mine was talkin to me as i was putting bacon on and i wondered if it would make a slap noise on her face which it did and for days i laughed UNTILL we went to tesco and i was high and a lil bit drunk on gin which gets me silly anyway. So we are walking past the fish counter and i see the massive display salmon and i think, will it sound like the bacon, you guessed it. So i picked up this big old salmon up and hitter on the head, knocked her over she had scales in her hair the salmon slipped from my hand and along the floor and tesco went silen then a gasp and then the boos as i walked out of there past a cramed packed tesco all lookin at me.