Righto... Piccy time in the dungeon of doom..
^ That's the worst one, BB on the right. A few rusty spots appearing now but she looks ok..
^ Critical+. She's stretching again [emoji1360] looks a tad hungry tho.
^ Best BB.. Seems to be firing on all cylinders now. [emoji4]
^ Lil Hubbabubbasmelloscope.. New leaves are stunted, hopefully that'll slow her down a bit.. I've seen the size of D-Cat's one.. I don't wanna be catching planes man! [emoji6]
I've had a switcheroo.. The Critical is now back right and dodgy BB is front right.
They're looking better over all so I just gave them a full strength feed of Tomorite @3ml/L, pH 6.5. Apart from the rusty spots, I think they're on the mend. The BBs have missed a fair bit of stretch tho, but as I recall, this strain just keeps growing as it flowers (my last ones did anyhoo).
Team pics..
Cheerz peepz... Vlad.[emoji111]️