Indoor Vlad's Multistrain Mud Massacre.


Hello Mephisto! [emoji1360] She's gonna be a bit crowded with these..

I'll stand her on a bucket in a few days, give her a fighting chance.

-Turned the drippers off tonight, the pots are a bit on the heavy side, plants look ok tho.
Looking great, and the cutest little baby! :)

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Errrrm... Wilee... Are you trying to drag me to the dark side? AGAIN?

Grooming me for hydro?

I'm a mud slinger, born and bred... man & boy.. I'm digging my heels in (aw fook I just told you I'm wearing heels) [emoji38]

Confusing myself now.. [emoji848]
It's ok, Muddy MoB, we all suspected you wore heels. :)

And if he needs help with the dragging, he can count on me, and probably also with @Itisi.

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Have you tried smoking a cbd strain geez? I hear it helps temper the high a little for light weight pussies, I mean address the balance to afford a less heady high.:hookah:

If I'm honest, it sort of narks me that you don't try your own stuff! A bit like when somebody goes solo from a band. Or you have a lock in at a boozer and the guvnor drinks coffee.:cheers:

I think I'll start a campaign to make Vlad a stoner. Who's with me?

I edited in some smileys coz it seemed a bit passive/aggressive.
*raises hand and starts jumping up and down*

Me, me, me! [emoji16]

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CBD? CBA! What's the point? I'd only be giving myself a new habit. TBH mate, nearly everyone I know smokes weed, I'm kinda like the odd one out, believe me I've tried to like it, it just makes me feel really awkward.

It ain't broke so I ain't fixing it.
Hmmmm... so sorry to be the one to bring it up, my dear friend. But who told you you ain't broke? [emoji16] [emoji12] [emoji28] [emoji23]

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Ffs Vlad! The mental image I had of you was like a half pissed count off of sesame street. Now it's change to something off of the rocky Horror picture show!


