Very tall plant and lot of small buds

Nov 12, 2019
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Hello this is my first grow and i think i have some problems here, i see a lot of very small bud sites and also the plant is huge.
I know I should have done some LST on this plant, consider that i'm only using a 150w CFL light and a 10w light on the side.
Anyway as this is my first grow i didnt plan to grow it the right way (i didnt even buy a grow box), but use it to learn more for my future grows.
She's a 10 weeks old Pineapple Express Auto from FastBuds... i'm wondering if i can get some yield or not??

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Hello this is my first grow and i think i have some problems here, i see a lot of very small bud sites and also the plant is huge.
I know I should have done some LST on this plant, consider that i'm only using a 150w CFL light and a 10w light on the side.
Anyway as this is my first grow i didnt plan to grow it the right way (i didnt even buy a grow box), but use it to learn more for my future grows.
She's a 10 weeks old Pineapple Express Auto from FastBuds... i'm wondering if i can get some yield or not?? View attachment 1148963
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interesting looking plant iv seen this happen to a couple of people with fast buds no idea why it happens i dont think theres much you can do to improve on what you will get but at this stage i would pick a point on the plant half way or maybe just above then super crop it this will let you being the cfl closer and be better for the lower buds cfls have terrible penetration so you want it close have a look at some video on super cropping before you try it but i think you have nothing to loose at this point i you have more seeds get some more on the go better luck next time

on looking back i see its ten weeks old maybe its getting near finish so maybe just leave it to finish and start fresh with new plants try get a few more watts to throw at them
Hello this is my first grow and i think i have some problems here, i see a lot of very small bud sites and also the plant is huge.
I know I should have done some LST on this plant, consider that i'm only using a 150w CFL light and a 10w light on the side.
Anyway as this is my first grow i didnt plan to grow it the right way (i didnt even buy a grow box), but use it to learn more for my future grows.
She's a 10 weeks old Pineapple Express Auto from FastBuds... i'm wondering if i can get some yield or not?? View attachment 1148963
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Plant looks healthy but starving for light - you are going to need a light upgrade for next grow.
Thank you for your replies! That's what i supposed, I will definitely do a light upgrade next grow... but I hope to get some yield from this anyway...
Thank you for your replies! That's what i supposed, I will definitely do a light upgrade next grow... but I hope to get some yield from this anyway...
I also think that the main issue with your plant has been light. She has been stretching her skirts to the limit trying to find more of it. Anyway, at this stage, I would just let her ripen up and you will get some useful bud, maybe not as dense as next time, but just roll 'er up thicker, and all will be good. Watch those trichomes to tell when they are ready.

If you are up for a bit of wiring DIY, the lights in my current grow seem to do the job. One of the two would keep one big plant happy, and with all bulbs screwed in would probably cover a 3x3. I had to keep backing them off due to excessive light with two of them in a 2X4. You could probably put one of them together for less than $100 US from stuff available in the local hardware store. Not too bad for 250 watts from the wall. If you wire up only half the bulbs, they would still cover a 2x2 grow - I ended up only using about half of the bulbs at a time in my grow. Others on this forum have done well with LED strips in DIY setups. There is a subforum on the topic that you will find if you look around.

OTOH, if you have the bucks, or don't have the DIY interest, the Mars Hydro lights are good bang for the buck. I almost went for one of them myself, but I'm a DIY kind of guy, and I had lots of miscellaneous wire and some aluminum plate around, so I decided to build my own.

Good luck with the rest of the grow, and with the light upgrade. :pighug:
If going for light upgrade I would for sure get a dimmable light - some autos like less light than others - If you have the coin this is a great option.

That is a thin looking foxtail plant. I've had a couple foxtails and the bud was just fine. Looks weird smoked well.
That is a thin looking foxtail plant. I've had a couple foxtails and the bud was just fine. Looks weird smoked well.

That’s what I was thinking - foxtail - not always a bad thing just weird.
That looks like a sativa. Betting some bad genetics. Maybe breeder didnt take them far enough.
Poor nutrition. Plant stretch to the light to compensate for what it is lacking. Don’t raise light. Bend if necessary. What medium and nutes are you using?