Grow Room Vertical CFL 125w 2700k, paradise seeds autoflowers

Good work bringing the barrel up to date Bro..... wish I could help with the upside down pics, but I have concerns with pics of grows on my phone..... the police could check it during a random search, your kids could send it to someone by mistake, and your location coordinates may be embedded in the photo data...... dont wanna worry you like that, but for me, all those scenarios are a career killing disaster.

If you use a laptop or PC, you can clean the data, and using someting like microsoft office image editor you can view the true image and sort out your rotation issues. Im sure you can preview the image before finalising the upload on AFN's media section.

Re the grow, I noticed a few brown tips and some damaged leaves.... it must be getting tight in there, looking forward to seeing this all turn into a barrel of nice sticky buds!

Yah i know about the risks..
thanks for the heads up though.
Luckely my dog wont post any pictures and kids get nowhere near my phone or grow.
But youre right.
I Dont like all the cloud and geolocation stuff these smartphones work with and the pics probavly have hidden info indeed.

Im gonna clean up my phone in the near future and import everything to my laptop hidden in some map. That way its also way easier to edit the photos.

that being said...I think i have a pretty stealthy setup and dont expect police searches.
If they would show up and find the barrel...these pics and thread might actually serve as proof to show i grow for personnal use. I grow with CFL,
2 plants max and my setup is DIY but as safe as possible. This means its not a proffesional grow, unrelated to organized crime and there is no intention to sell.
Lets hope it never gets to this point but worst case scenario....
Police may take my equipment, further proscecution rarely occurs.

Beware of the blue bullys,
Hey everyone

We are near the end of week 6 and its time for an update. This time i am proud to show you some incredible budsite development and the first of many budshot.

First ill show you what happened after the major bending session on day 35.
here is my auto white berry, doing just great!
2 days after bending its main cola
its just almost a perfect even canopy now...even height i mean.
DAY 37
the next fotos show comparison before and after LST that day to further max out light penetration.
a the semi cirkel structure to allign with bulb
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Now we jump forward 3 days and check out the progress here.
stretch has stopped
Really in full flower now and budsites pop out everywhere!!
DAY 40
20160117_222937.jpg20160117_220256_HDR.jpg 20160117_220126_HDR.jpg the end a LST Before-After
at this stage BTW i no longer weave the buds through the screen.
I use a bracket like from a bucket to clamp them back front and when possible push fan leaves behind other branches to expose those.........
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(Welll...Lil buddies would be the word)

back with more early week 7
Bye bye,


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Whats up @Buddy Barrel !! Everything is looking Great !! The Pic thing is a pain in the ass from a cell phone,I compensate by rotating the phone counter clockwise 90 degrees and it works 9/10 times..Peace Bro !!
buds are booming!
its been a few days ago since the last update and buds on the white berry auto are filling up.

the barrel had some reconstruction...
Opium made room for the auto white berry budding out.
i put in the opium cuttings and a new wappa, this one broke the surface today
Opium was removed and put in dark spot for almost 2 days.
Now shes in a bigger pot again and tied down a bit. She gets pretty nice light in her hotbox in front of the window over the radiator.
Right now daylight hours are somewhere around 10/14 so this is a fun experiment. Hours will be 14/10 when she should finsh.
Mid winter windowsill outside hahahah cant wait to see what happens

Now....the star of the show, auto white berry
Day 44
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there is a little bit of burning by the lamp on the center buds leaves ...i used another braket to push them back.. forgot to do a before-after shot

Ill try to do an update this weekend at the end of week 7..
watching the little buds now is actually a real test of patience hahha

bye bye,
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The bucket setup is awesome buddy not long to go for you now !!!
Hey guys,

back again
Here is miss whiteberry
day 46
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then yesterday i did the some more LST to keep those 3 big monsters in line...they grew above the bulb so i want them back in the efficient area around the bulb.

today she looked like this
Day 48
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thanks @budelee and @Teetee for sticking around
just 20 days to go i guess/hope.
cant wait to see what shell deliver
im betting ill reach the 30 dry grams goal by the looks of it now....and sticky stuff too

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Hey @Buddy Barrel what's been going on?? Have you made it to harvest yet? I haven't a seen an update in a while..well,hope things are going good for you ....Peace !!!