Hello AFN..

..I hope you are all well..

..thingz are going well in my little tent...maybe too well..

..if there is such a thing...but there is, and ima prove it to yous now!...first up is one of the Dutch Passion Skywalker Haze Autos and she is in fine, fine form and I love her loads..

..in fact she is growing exactly how I want her to, resilient and responsive to the LST I do on her and moving along at a normal, healthy pace...showing me the signs I look for, when I want to see them..
....she looks great to me..

.....and then I have the other Dutch Passion Skywalker Haze Auto or "Thing!" as I have named her

...have a look hehe....I did kind of jinx Thing when I called her a "goer!" back in her youth...hehe...
....I have only one gripe with Thing being such a big lady tho...and that is her pot size, we are in the second day of week 7 for these gals and Thing has been on daily feeds for at least a week!!

!!...I feed at roughly the same time everyday as I try to run a perpetual tent and Thing's coco is bone dry every day when I get to her...and I don't think a 3.8 ltr will be enuff to run a ship that big??.....we will have to see...stay safe AFN ...more very soon dudes!!
EDIT:....at the start of next week, I will be doing my version of the 8th week strip down, on both Dutch Passion Skywalker Haze Autos....Noice!