Indoor Vapo's Vivisection section.

As always loving the work! U have given me so many ideas to work with.

Also I think your grow space should be called The Notorious Pontefract Castle…. Google it and u will see lol
Hello AFN...
Thirsty for more of my grow??...well here it is hehe :muahaha:
So what is your opinion of topping at the 5th on the BLD so far?
Truthfully... :yoinks: ....the Zammy Cherry Bud hasn't liked it and the SSSC BLD is flying but waaaay too uncontrolled for my liking....I already have lower buds/nodes that I know won't ever get to the top...and the top 2 mains are really going for it, which means that I am going to have a tall plant....and I don't want that as I try to keep my canopy level, so all the buds can get as much light as really dude, I don't like it!!....when I top at the 3rd node, I have MUCH more time to get the ties on and bend the stems to where I want them.
When I do it my way, the emphasis for the plant, seems to be on growing sideways, as I get to tie the stems as they grow....when I do it the other way(top at the 5th!)the emphasis seems to be on growing upwards, maybe it's bcoz the plant is left longer before topping....and the main stem becomes more developed strong before you top?
Hola AFN..:toke:..did some massive defol on the SeedStockers GSC and Dutch Passion Euforia today readers!...MASSIVE I tells ye..:crying:..I have tried to just clear some space between the......branches?? I noticed that the wind from the fan wasn't reaching to the inside of the I had a good old clear out of "underneath" and "in the middle" leaves today....bit of a risk this late in flower but I have an abstract fear of PWM from leaf on leaf contact, I think I have read the ladies right..:smokeit:..couple of pics of my newly potted up SeedStockers Rucu Cucu, in f**k all Coco bcoz I forgot to get some... D'oh!...the Zammy Cherry Bud who I might cull bcoz she doesn't look right to me..:yoinks:..only one out of three made it to harvest from these Zamnesia Cherry Bud :finger:
Then the SSSC BLD again....then the stripped down SeedStockers GSC and Dutch Passion Euforia....
Checka-checka-checka-checka-check it out AFN...
Hello AFN.....old Vapo gotz some o'them captured slivers time for ye...:baked:...first up is the crazy Dutch Passion Euforia :woohoo1: I call her crazy bcoz that's what she has gone..:jump:

Next up is the unhappy-ish Dutch Passion CBD Blackberry Kush... unhappy bcoz I don't think she likes the 6point at all...this is the second semi-disaster after topping for this strain, for me anyways....obvs no blame is on Dutch Passion...the 6point is Marmite....

..the next lady is Seedstockers GSC...she has held her own against the DP Euforia all the way, a truly strong lady who is coming along marvelously......


..the SSSC BLD 5th noder is up now...looking great but I can see she will give me trouble in the future....bcoz she is so wild and uncontrolled...I put a few spacers in today but I don't think they will hold for long...

...and lastly is the Zammy Cherry Bud who is..?...she is younger than the SSSC BLD by almost a full week, but is ahead in terms of development....?....I will be keeping a close eye on this gal for Hermie's Banana Hammocks....

..and that's it for today all...:jump:
The overhead shot of the Cherry Bud really shows the symmetry you are shooting for, Sweet! The BLD 5th noder sure is unruly in comparison! And then the Euforia is simply awesome!
Much appreciated dude, if the Euforia buds up well she will be awesome I think :baked: :pass: