Old Reviews Vaporizer recommendations

@St. Tom @Guru_skux The flavor with my fireflly 2+ is fantastic and I've heard that the ghost might be a little better in that regard. I'm definitely tempted to get one. I'm surprised how well the concentrate pad works with convection style vapes.
@St. Tom @Guru_skux The flavor with my fireflly 2+ is fantastic and I've heard that the ghost might be a little better in that regard. I'm definitely tempted to get one. I'm surprised how well the concentrate pad works with convection style vapes.
The firefly is the best for flavour but I only use it for concentrates as stirring the herb can be a pain. also the ghost has this little pod you fill for both with flower or oil it's a bit fiddly so watch a few utube reviews before deciding also my door clasp broke on mine but they sent a replacement in days so there warranty is awesome
Ghost mv1 + a crucible dispenser. Wait for 420 sales or black friday. Fast charger is alsp a nice addition.
The firefly is the best for flavour but I only use it for concentrates as stirring the herb can be a pain. also the ghost has this little pod you fill for both with flower or oil it's a bit fiddly so watch a few utube reviews before deciding also my door clasp broke on mine but they sent a replacement in days so there warranty is awesome

Ya. I got the firefly a month or so ago when my davinci died. I almost bought the ghost. It was kind of a coin flip decision. Either way, my wife doesn't like to mess with stuff when we're 'smoking', so I ended up getting a Solo 2 since it's a session vape like the davinci. Less to mess with. Wanted the Crafty+, but they're still using aluminum.

Still thinking about picking up a desktop type, something like the Arizer Extreme Q.
also i need to add this my ghost mk1 the latch door has broken on my stealth edition i only noticed today and this is already a replacement so i couldn't hand on heart recommend it
also i need to add this my ghost mk1 the latch door has broken on my stealth edition i only noticed today and this is already a replacement so i couldn't hand on heart recommend it

Very common with the stealth version as well as the paint/coating pealing off... but the other versions don't have those issues.

Very common with the stealth version as well as the paint/coating pealing off... but the other versions don't have those issues.
also ive spoke today with them and they said the same thing so I'm going with a nickel replacement the customer service is awesome
I was thinking about buying the Zeus Arc GT has anyone used one or heard bad things reviews look good
I was thinking about buying the Zeus Arc GT has anyone used one or heard bad things reviews look good

I wouldn't. Boundless Tera, Crafty+, Airizer, Pax 3. Tvape is a shady company with poor products according to Reddit. Vapospy.com will help you find the best deals
I have two Arizer units... one desktop-Extreme Q and for my portable I have the Arizer Air 2.:: I have to say that I’ve been happy with both. I’ve had my desktop for 5 years and the portable Air2 for 6 months. One thing I like about the air 2 compared to the original is the ability to use it while it’s plugged in and charging. As already mentioned by someone earlier, it’s very easy to clean this unit. Doesn’t require much in the way of cleaning and that’s always welcome. I find the performance of the portable unit comparable to any of the “high end” units mentioned earlier in this thread for a considerable amount less. As far as TVAPE/Toronto Vaporizer I have found their service to be quite good and their pricing is excellent. I think the last I saw the air 2 listed for was $199 CDN and that includes your choice of a bonus accessory- either a cleaning kit or a grinder which is actually a very good grinder. I’ve been using the first gen of this grinder for 5 years now so it’s a very well made product. I believe they have now updated the design and now call it the Bolt grinder 2.0. To me it’s exactly the same but now uses black anodized aluminum or something like that! lol. Hope this helps