Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023 Vapo goes to Jonestown.

Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023
What benefits do the added steps of sprouting in water
I am not trying to sprout in water, these beans just stayed on the surface tension if the water overnight....the next day I had a headache so bad I couldn't open my eyes unless in a dimly lit room.....I checked them after about 15-16 hours and I saw that they hadn't sunk but remained on the surface tension and there was some activity at one end of each bean, but it wasn't clear bcoz I did not have my glasses on and I didn't check them until the next day when what I posted, had happened.... I basically thought ...."I will try that again"....etc. etc....:joy:
I'll stick with the natural and more hands-off way do you mate, not a problem :jump: and thanks for your thoughts dude :thanks: :baked::joy::jump:
Hello AFN.....I think one of these gals has had the Kool-aid a little bit too early........

While the other must have been back of the que...

I'm gonna give the first one a few days to push some green out, if she doesn't.........she will be replaced!!!


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Hello AFN....the Kool-aid one is gone, it was f**ked, totally f** is so weird bcoz it's like she offed herself :WTF:🚱
....I gave the choice of the replacement to my other half and she picked from another breeder unfortunately :doh::crying::crying: so this will be a lone project..... obviously the thread will continue dudes....and the other one will be put in my other thread, so it's cool.....and there will be plenty more from me and Sawney Bean's awesome collection of strains.
Ciaõ for now AFN....
Goooood day AFNNNNNN....I first must apologize to you all for my lack of updates in this thread....I have been dealing with a very severe case of lazy....plain and simple haha...alot has gone on since my last post, SB Jonestown lost her head and more recently(Today!)got her first ties....the stems were really pliable still, so over she went....started wk3 on Sunday btw.....

... don't know why but I have a good feeling about this lady!......More soon AFN.....stay safe out there!
Goooood day AFNNNNNN....I first must apologize to you all for my lack of updates in this thread....I have been dealing with a very severe case of lazy....plain and simple haha...alot has gone on since my last post, SB Jonestown lost her head and more recently(Today!)got her first ties....the stems were really pliable still, so over she went....started wk3 on Sunday btw.....View attachment 1634581
... don't know why but I have a good feeling about this lady!......More soon AFN.....stay safe out there!
Know the feeling brother...Some days, right?...
No diggity....No doubt AFN....this SB Jonestown has twisted herself into a few bends trying to get underneath the ties and push I put the ties thru the holes I made in the side, instead of into the coco....which should give her a bit more room...I clipped the inside leaves off too...

Things are moving with this gal now as she moves to wk4 on Sunday......more soon AFN.... :thanks: :bighug::baked: